Page 110 - 2022FittingsCatalog
P. 110


         G6 Support Clamps are made from galvanized steel and are dipped   G6N Support Clamps are used to support pipe, tubing, cables, or
         in vinyl to prevent chafing. When compared to our more economi-  hose. They have a  1 ⁄2" wide galvanized steel strap fitted with a
         cal G6N Rubber Cushioned Support Clamps, our G6 Support Clamps   rubber liner to prevent chafing. The bolt hole measures 0.256".
         provide a cleaner looking installation when supporting pipe, tubing,
         cables, or hose. They feature a  3 ⁄4" wide heavier-duty strap and
         13 ⁄32" bolt hole.                                            Inside
                                                              Part No.  Diameter   Pkg Qty
                                                              G6N… RUBBER CUSHIONED SUPPORT CLAMPS
               Inside                   Inside
        Part No.  Diameter  Pkg Qty  Part No.  Diameter  Pkg Qty  G6N-04  1 ⁄4"    10
                                                                       3 ⁄8"
        G6… SUPPORT CLAMP         G6-21  1 5 ⁄16"  10         G6N-08   1 ⁄2"       10
                                  G6-24  1 1 ⁄2"  10          G6N-10   5 ⁄8"       10
        G6-04  1 ⁄4"   10                                     G6N-12   3 ⁄4"       10
        G6-06  3 ⁄8"   10         G6-25  1 9 ⁄16"  10
        G6-07  7 ⁄16"  10         G6-28  1 3 ⁄4"  10          G6N-14   7/8 "       10
        G6-08  1 ⁄2"   10         G6-29  1 13 ⁄16"  10        G6N-16   1"          10
        G6-09  9 ⁄16"  10         G6-32  2"       10          G6N-18   1 1 ⁄8"     10
                                  G6-33  2 1 ⁄16"  10         G6N-20   1 1 ⁄4"     10
        G6-10  5 ⁄8"   10                                     G6N-24   1 1 ⁄2"     10
        G6-11  11 ⁄16"  10        G6-36  2 1 ⁄4"  10
                                         2 3 ⁄4"
        G6-12  3 ⁄4"   10                                     G6N-28   1 3 ⁄4"     10
        G6-13  13 ⁄16"  10        G6-46  2 7 ⁄8"  10          G6N-32   2"          10
        G6-15  15 ⁄16"  10
        G6-16  1"      10
        G6-17  1 1 ⁄16"  10
        G6-18  1 1 ⁄8"  10
        G6-19  1 3 ⁄16"  10
        G6-20  1 1 ⁄4"  10
         G6B Support Clamps are made from black nylon, are UV resistant,
         and meet the UL94V-2 standard for use as cable supports for elec-
         tronics. Their lightweight, flexible, and compact construction makes
         them perfectly suited for tube and cable support applications in a
         variety of environments including outdoor and marine applications
         where traditional metal support clamps may corrode. In the 1⁄4"
         size these clamps feature a 0.39" band width, while all other sizes
         have a 0.47" band width. All sizes have a 0.19" diameter bolt

   11            Inside
        Part No.   Diameter   Pkg Qty
        G6B-04   1 ⁄4"    100
        G6B-06   3 ⁄8"    100
     Clamps & Ferrules
                 1 ⁄2"
                 3 ⁄4"

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