Page 143 - 2022FittingsCatalog
P. 143


              PGSS gauges are made with Type 316 internal surfaces, for maximum   Process gauges feature a higher level of accuracy throughout their
              corrosion resistance. Both PGSS center back mount gauges and PGSS40   pressure range, and a micrometer pointer adjustment. As an additional
              lower back mount gauges can be ordered with a U-clamp or front flange   safety feature process gauges are designed to blow out at the back if
              mounting option. Back mount gauges are available by specifying "-CBM"   pressures are exceeded.
              after PGSS in the part number.

             PGSS… STAINLESS LIQUID FILLED PRESSURE GAUGES        Part No.     Description

                                                                  PGP… PROCESS GAUGES

                             PGSS-CBM                      PGSS

             PGSS         2.5" face with  1 ⁄4" bottom mount
             PGSS-CBM     2.5" face with  1 ⁄4" centre back mount
             PGSS40       4.0" face with  1 ⁄2" bottom mount
             PGSS40-CBM   4.0" face  with  1 ⁄4" lower back mount
             Accuracy…    2 1 ⁄2" ±1.6% ASME B40.1 Grade A
                          4" ±1% ASME B40.1 Grade 1A              PGP          4.0" face with  1 ⁄2" bottom mount
             Stainless Steel
             Bourdon tube…   Type 316 Stainless Steel             Accuracy…    0.5% ASME B40.1 Grade 2A
             Case…        Type 304 Stainless Steel                Socket material…  Type 316 Stainless Steel
             Window…      Polycarbonate                           Bourdon tube…   Type 316 Stainless Steel
             Filling…     2 1 ⁄2" Silicone                        Case…        Black phenalic solid front, blow out back
                          4" Glycerin                             Window…      Plexiglas
             Thread…      2 1 ⁄2" face  1 ⁄4" NPT                 Filling…     Glycerin
                          4" face  1 ⁄2" NPT bottom mount  1 ⁄4" NPT lower back      Thread…   1 ⁄2" NPT
                          mount                                   Mount…       Bottom
             Mount…       Bottom                                  Temperature range  -40°C (-40°F) to 100°C (212°F)
             Temperature range  -40°C (-40°F) to 65°C (149°F)

             Dash        Pressure Range
             Size        psi        kPa                           PRESSURE RANGES AVAILABLE…
             -VA00       -30" Hg-0   -100-0                       Dash         Pressure Range
             -VA30       -30" Hg-30   -100-200
             -VA150      -30" Hg-150   -100-1000                  Size         psi       kPa
             -VA300      -30" Hg-300   -100-2000
             -0015       0-15       0-100                         -VA00        -30" Hg-0   -100-0
                                                                  -VA15        -30" Hg-15   -100-100
             -0030       0-30       0-200                         -VA30        -30" Hg-30   -100-200
             -0060       0-60       0-400                         -0015        0-15      0-100
             -0100       0-100      0-600
             -0160       0-160      0-1100                        -0030        0-30      0-200
             -0200       0-200      0-1200
                                                                  -0060        0-60      0-400
             -0300       0-300      0-2000                        -0160        0-160     0-1100
             -0400       0-400      0-2500                        -0200        0-200     0-1200
             -0600       0-600      0-4000                        -0400        0-400     0-2500
             -1000       0-1000     0-6000                        -0600        0-600     0-4000
             -1500       0-1500     0-10000
             -2000       0-2000     0-12000                       -1000        0-1000    0-6000
             -3000       0-3000     0-20000                       -1500        0-1500    0-10000
             -5000       0-5000     0-30000                       -2000        0-2000    0-12000
             -6000       0-6000     0-40000                       -3000        0-3000    0-20000
                                                                  -5000        0-5000    0-30000
             -10000      0-10000    0-60000                                                                            Gauges & Accessories
             -15000      0-15000    0-100000


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