Page 61 - 2022FittingsCatalog
P. 61


              G80B couplings are economically priced and are commonly found   G80 Aluminum couplings are hard coated for superior corrosion
              on stand-by and cabinet fire hoses. Both male and female cou-  and wear resistance and to resist thread galling. Both male and
              plings have rocker lugs for easy tightening. Standard couplings   female couplings have rocker lugs for easy tightening. Standard
              come with NPSH threads.                               1½" couplings have NPSH threads.
                          Hose    Bowl                                        Hose  Bowl
            Part No.      Size    Size                            Part No.    Size  Size
                                                                  1" & 1 ⁄2" HARDCOAT ALUMINUM ROCKER LUG COUPLINGS
            1 ⁄2" BRASS COUPLINGS
                                                                  FULL SETS
            FULL SETS                                             G80-100-125  1"   1 1 ⁄4"
            G80B-150-169  1 1 ⁄2"  1 11 ⁄16"                      G80-150-169  1 1 ⁄2"  1 11 ⁄16"
            G80B-150-175  1 1 ⁄2"  1 3 ⁄4"                        G80-150-175  1 1 ⁄2"  1 3 ⁄4"
            G80B-150-181  1 1 ⁄2"  1 13 ⁄16"                      G80-150-181  1 1 ⁄2"  1 13 ⁄16"
            G80B-150-194  1 1 ⁄2"  1 15 ⁄16"                      G80-150-194  1 1 ⁄2"  1 15 ⁄16"
            MALE ONLY                                             MALE ONLY                                            5
            G80BM-150-169  1 1 ⁄2"  1 11 ⁄16"                     G80M-100-125  1"  1 1 ⁄4"
            G80BM-150-175  1 1 ⁄2"  1 1 ⁄4"                       G80M-150-169  1 1 ⁄2"  1 11 ⁄16"
            G80BM-150-181  1 1 ⁄2"  1 13 ⁄16"                     G80M-150-175  1 1 ⁄2"  1 3 ⁄4"
            G80BM-150-194  1 1 ⁄2"  1 15 ⁄16"                     G80M-150-181  1 1 ⁄2"  1 13 ⁄16"
            FEMALE ONLY                                           G80M-150-194  1 1 ⁄2"  1 15 ⁄16"
            G80BF-150-169  1 1 ⁄2"  1 11 ⁄16"                     FEMALE ONLY                                          Fire & Hydrant
            G80BF-150-175  1 1 ⁄2"  1 3 ⁄4"                       G80F-100-125  1"  1 1 ⁄4"
            G80BF-150-181  1 1 ⁄2"  1 13 ⁄16"                     G80F-150-169  1 1 ⁄2"  1 11  ⁄16"
            G80BF-150-194  1 1 ⁄2"  1 15 ⁄16"                     G80F-150-175  1 1 ⁄2"  1 3 ⁄4"
                                                                  G80F-150-181  1 1 ⁄2"  1 13 ⁄16"
              For 2½" municipal fire hoses, the threads vary by province   G80F-150-194  1 1 ⁄2"  1 15 ⁄16"
              and state and sometimes even by city. Our basic part numbers   2 ⁄2" HARDCOAT ALUMINUM ROCKER LUG COUPLINGS
              are G80 for a coupling set, G80M for males, and G80F for
              females. Both male and female couplings have rocker lugs for
              easy tightening. In addition, please specify the threads from   FULL SETS
              the list shown. For example, for a hose that will be used in   G80-250-275  2 1 ⁄2"  2 3 ⁄4"
              Manitoba, specify G80WCT-250 thread couplings.      G80-250-281  2 1 ⁄2"  2 13 ⁄16"
                                                                  G80-250-294  2 ⁄2"   2 ⁄16"
            2 ⁄2" BRASS COUPLINGS                                 G80-250-300  2 1 ⁄2"  3"
                                                                  MALE ONLY
            FULL SETS                                             G80M-250-275  2 1 ⁄2"  2 3 ⁄4"
            G80B-250-275  2 1 ⁄2"  2 3 ⁄4"                        G80M-250-281  2 1 ⁄2"  2 13 ⁄16"
                                                                  G80M-250-294  2 ⁄2"   2 ⁄16"
            MALE ONLY                                             G80M-250-300  2 1 ⁄2"  3"
            G80BM-250-275  2 1 ⁄2"  2 3 ⁄4"                       FEMALE ONLY
                                                                  G80F-250-275  2 1 ⁄2"  2 3 ⁄4"
            FEMALE ONLY                                           G80F-250-281  2 1 ⁄2"  2 13 ⁄16"
            G80BF-250-275  2 1 ⁄2"  2 3 ⁄4"                       G80F-250-294  2 ⁄2"   2 ⁄16"
                                                                  G80F-250-300  2 1 ⁄2"  3"
                            Hose    Bowl
             Part No.       Size    Size  Pkg Qty                 G88R… EXPANSION RINGS
                                                                                Coupling Type
             G80G... REPLACEMENT GASKETS
                                                                  G88R-100-122  G80
                                                                  G88R-150-075  G80B
                                                                  G88R-150-088  G85
                                                                  G88R-150-115  G80
                                                                  G88R-250-150  G80
             G80G-150       1 1 ⁄2       10
             G80G-250       2 1 ⁄2       10

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