Page 233 - GM booklet 2019 test
P. 233

Latest      Outlay
                                       Year of
         Sl.      Description of        Sancti    Anticip    proposed                    Status
         No            work                        a- ted        for
                                                   Cost       2019-20
          4.  JANKAMPET JN:             2019-     11,30,0        --       Work  sanctioned  under  umbrella
               Additional two loop        20         0                    works (80%)
               lines. (standard
          5.  Talamadla:                2019-     6,37,00        --       Work sanctioned under umbrella
               Additional loop line       20                              works (80%)
               (standard layout).
          6.  Falaknuma:                2019-     8,57,00        --       Work sanctioned under umbrella
               Standard double line       20                              works (80%)
               layout by provision
               of DN loop line
               (standard double
               line layout)
          7.  Sirnapalli: Additional    2019-     6,37,00        --       Work  sanctioned  under  umbrella
               loop line (standard        20                              works (20%)

            NEW WORKS PROPOSED UNDER PWP 2020-21:  (Rs. in 000‟)
          Sl.              Description of work                   Cost                    Status
           1.  Kacheguda: Extension of shunting neck           34,19,58  Proposal has been shortlisted by
                from existing 526 mts to 730 mts duly                      Hqrs and sent to Railway board.
                constructing bridge on Moosi River.
           2.  Dupadu: Provision of Standard layout             9,70,00    Proposal has been shortlisted by
                station.                                                   Hqrs and sent to Railway board.
           3.  Bolsa: Provision of Standard layout             11,51,28  Proposal has been shortlisted by
                station.                                                   Hqrs and sent to Railway board.
           4.  Sirnapalli: Provision of Standard layout         6,77,16    Proposal has been shortlisted by
                station.                                                   Hqrs and sent to Railway board.
           5.  Bye-pass line between Sitaphalmandi-            138,55,8    Proposal has been turned down
                Malkajgiri.                                        7       by Hqrs.

            LUMPSUM WORKS PROGRAMME (LSWP)  (Rs. in 000‟)
                                              Year of  Latest
        Sl.  Description of work               Sancti    Anticipat    Remarks /Present status
        No                                       on      ed Cost
        1.    Kacheguda - Provision of        2014-      99,42          ESP approved on 18.07.19.
              additional Stabling line        15                         Tenders called and agency fixed.
                                                                         Earth work is in progress.
                                                                        This work is planned after
                                                                         completion of connected sanctioned
                                                                         work i.e, shifting of IOH shed/KCG
                                                                         which is likely to be get completed
                                                                         by Jan‟20. There after stabling line
                                                                         can be easily laid.
        2.    Sivungaon: Provision of         2019-      25,53           Work sanctioned under Umbrella
              Shunt signals.                  20                         works (80%) 2019-20.

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