Page 257 - GM booklet 2019 test
P. 257


            (PREVIOUS YEAR)

            1.  On 24.06.18 at 02.05hrs,  DEMU E/R DPC.No. 15046 one pair of wheels derailed
            onhand operated  point at Diesel shed /MLY.

            Primary :
            T.Appanna, PLP/KCG, -  With holding of increment for 24 months issued on08.08.18.

            Secondary & Blame worthy : Nil

            Cause of the accident: (LP not ensured the setting of hand point no.1 and trailedthrough
            the point).

             2.  On 02.7.18 at about 00.15hrs at KCG, the loco no. 13407 WDG3A/KZJ  was given
                shunt movement  from Road  No.4 to Tower car line and then to move to Road
                No. 5.  During the movement loco       dashed to  tower car shed gate and then
                hit to tower car. Due to this the tower car rear bogie hit the buffer and the wall
                towards SC end and this  lead to collapse of complete wall  and tower car also
                got derailed.

            Primary :
            Chakri chetan,Pointsman/KCG -  With holding of increment for 12 months issued  on

            Secondary :
            G.Satyanarayana, Shunter/KCG-With holding of increment for 24 months  issued on

            Blame worthy :
            a)   SSE/TRD/KCG             -  Warning letter issued on20.7.18.
            b)  TI/KCG,                         -  Warning letter issued on18.7.18.
            c)   SMR/KCG,                    - Warning letter issued on 18.7.18.
            (Cause of the accident: Negligence of  Shunting staff (Pointsman and shunter.)

            3.  On  19.07.18  at  10.20hrs.  at  Diesel  Shed  /MLY,  while  performing  shunting  of
            DEMUE/R  from Line No. 4 to Wheel lathe line,manually operated point no.107  at
            MLY „A‟ Cabin (of SC Division) was trailed through and stopped.
            (Track  fit given at 16.30hrs. by  SSE/PWAY/MLY of SC DIVN )

            A.Jude, Tech Gr-II/DSL/MLY --- With holding of Annual increment for a
            period of  one year issued on 03.9.18.

            Secondary :
            A.G.Kameswar Rao,---  With holding of Annual increment for a period  of three months
            JE/DSL/MLY  issued on 03.9.18.

            Blame worthy  :  Nil
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