Page 266 - GM booklet 2019 test
P. 266
5. Punctuality:-
Alarm chain pulling (ACP u/s 141 of Rly Act):-
Year No. of persons arrested Fine realized
2017 236 1,09,900
2018 355 2,06,300
2019(up to Nov ) 252 87,100
6. Good detection of passenger related cases:-
a) Detection of 24 ToPB cases with the arrest of 04 ToPB offenders with
recovery of stolen property worth Rs.1,07,00,000/-.
A special team was formed by Sr.DSC/HYB to prevent ToPB offences consisting
of IPF/MJF, ASI/JS/KCG with 03 staff. During the course of enquires and
confidential watch on 07.06.18 with reliable information and in coordination with
IPF/KCG, IPF/CIB/HYB, the special team apprehended 04 ToPB offenders, A-
1)Surender Kumar, S/o.Munshiram, 38 yrs, R/o. Sorkhi(V),Hansi(Tq), Hisar(Dist),
Haryana State, A-2) Ramdiya, S/o. Deepak Chand, 45 yrs, R/o.
Sorkhi(V),Hansi(Tq), Hisar(Dist), Haryana State A-3) Jagadish, S/o.Charan
daas,39 yrs, R/o. Luhari Ragho(v)Hisar(Dist), Haryana State, and A-4) Suresh
Kumar, S/o. Sube Singh, 28 yrs, R/o.Petwar(V), Namaund(Tq), Hisar(Dist),
Haryana state at Secunderabad station and handed over them to GRP/SC for
further investigation. During the course of investigation, the above said RPF team
assisted GRP/SC in recovery of gold ornaments weighing about 3.190 kgs, 280
grams of silver ornaments, net cash Rs.2,00,000/- i.e, total worth Rs.
1,07,00,000/- from the accused persons. GRP/SC has shown the arrest of
above said 04 accused on 03.07.18 and connected them to 24 various cases as
follows. Cr.No‟s.574/17, 297/17, 346/17, 607/17, 622/17, 624/17, 642/17, 644/17,
648/17, 660/17, 677/17, 683/17, 724/17, 37/18, 194/18, 199/18 & 269/18 of
GRP/SC, in Cr.No‟s.27/17, 46/18 & 82/18 of GRP/KCG, in Cr.No‟s. 57/18 &
233/17 of GRP/HYB & in Cr.No‟s.57/18 & 151/18 of GRP/SBC.
Accused persons:-
Press meet conducted by Sr.DSC/HYB & SRP/SC