Page 269 - GM booklet 2019 test
P. 269

e)   On  14.11.2018,  IPF/NZB  along  with  CPDS  staff  apprehended  03  snatchers from
                   Akanapet  railway  station.  A-1-  B.Naresh,  S/o  Nanu,  age  26  years,  R/o  Kamaram
                   Tanda, Mirzapally along with accomplice A-2- A.Santosh Kumar, S/o Kishan, age
                   36 yrs, R/o Medchal at Akkannapet railway station. A-3- G.Shashank, S/o Narsingh
                   Rao,  age  23  yrs,  R/o  Lalaguda,  Tukaram  Gate,  SC,  and  handed  over  them    to
                   GRP/NZB.  On  23.11.18  GRP/NZB  has  shown  the  arrest  of  03  accused  and
                   recovered  14.2  tula  Gold  Ornaments,  net  cash  Rs.11,000/-  13  various  company
                   mobile  phones,  One  Tab  (Mobile  and  Tab  are  Un  claimed  property)  total  worth
                   Rs.3,83,000/-, from them and connected  them in the  following  06 Crime Nos.
                   01.  Cr.No.107/18,  U/S  382  IPC  Property  loss  9.2  Tula  gold  ornaments  whole
                   property is recovered. (Jurisdiction RPF/MJF)
                   02.  Cr.No.127/18,  U/S  356,  379  IPC  Property  loss  5  Tula  gold  ornaments  whole
                   property is recovered. (Jurisdiction RPF/NZB)
                   03. Cr.No.105/18, U/S 379 IPC Property loss 35,000/- net cash, recovered 8,000/-.
                   (Jurisdiction RPF/NZB)
                   04. Cr.No.135/18, U/S 379 IPC Property loss 10,000/- net cash, recovered 3,000/-.
                   (Jurisdiction RPF/NZB)
                   05.Cr.No.140/18,  U/S  379  IPC  property  loss  Bag  and  new  cloths,  all  worth
                   Rs.5400/- recovered 6Nil. (Jurisdiction RPF/MJF)
                   06.  Cr.No.141/18,  U/S  379  IPC  Property  loss  net  cash  2800/-  and  recovered  Nil.
                   (Jurisdiction RPF/ADB).

               f)  On 19.11.18, Hyderabad Divn. Special team lead by IPF/KCG, with his staff while
                   conducting  special  check  in  coordination  with  IPF/MJF  and  IPF/CIB/HYB  had
                   apprehended  one  ladies  hand  bag  snatcher/zip  operator  by  name.
                   *Gandikotasatish*        @reddy@saleem,            aged:23yrs,R/O        vadderabasthi,
                   manikeswarnagar,  taraka,Hyd,  in 16733 OKHA -RMM express at KCG station and
                   after  interrogation  by  IsPF/KCG,MJF,  CIB/HYB,  was  forwarded  to  GRP/SC.  On
                   01.12.18, GRP/SC has shown the arrest of above accused and was connected in
                   11 various IPC cases of GRP/SC Cr.No‟s. 428/18, 122/18, 179/18, 559/18, 326/18,
                   417/18, 567/18, 575/18, 621/18 u/s 379 IPC & GRP/KCG: Cr.No‟s 109/18, 126/18
                   u/s 379 IPC.  And recovered Total 168.5 grams gold ornaments and 3 laptops, all
                   worth Rs. 6,50,000/-.  The above special team was work out under the leader ship
                   of SRP/SC, DSRP/SC and Sr.DSC/HYB.

               g)  On 23.04.2019 with the help of  RPF team/HYB divn , GRP/SC  apprehended  one
                   person by name Andavarapu pavan s/o Krishna Rao,age 29 Yrs ,occ: private job
                   ,R/o palasa (V&M),srikakulam dt,AP, for his  involvement in 14 property offences
                   and recovered 23.2 tulas gold ornaments and 6 laptops& 02 i phones  total worth
                   of Rs 12,00,000/- from the  accused.

                   Brief facts  of the  case  are  that :-In  the month  of  March
                   2019 two cases of lap tap thefts i.e (1) Theft of  one  lap
                   tap on 19.3.2019 from Tr.No. 12786 and (2) Theft of Two
                   laptaps  and  an  I-  phone  from  A1  coach  in  12786  were
                   reported  at  GRP/KCG  on.  21.3.2019,  subsequently  on
                   28.3.2019  empty  bag  of  stolen  laptop  occurred  on
                   23.3.2019  was  recovered  from  the  Upline  track  in
                   Amanbrolu stn yard (CLX section) after passing of Tr.No.
                   12760  exp.    Based  on  above  details  IPF/KCG  with  his
                   team  verified  charts  of  12786/12760  Exp  and  identified
                   the above said accused journey in these effected trains
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