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               SANCTIONED WORKS

               (PH: 1600)
                                                                                               (Rs. in 000‟)
          Sl.                                    Year of     Anticipate
          No       Description of work          Sanction       d Cost                      Status
          1.  Provision of New crossing          2010-11        Cap        Works in progress along with
               station at Pedashapur                          16,95,00     Doubling works of UR-MBNR section.
               Umdanagar&Timmapur on
               SC-MBNR section.
          2.  Provision of 04 new                2017-18      38,26,00    1. Work in Progress for Bridge &
               crossing stations.                                            Earth Work. Land Acquisition for
                                                                             Station Building under Process by
               1. Wanaparthy-Kaukuntla                                       State Govt. of Telangana (3
                  (18.27 kms)                                                Stations) & Andhra Pradesh (01
               2. Monopad-Alampur
                    (16.10 kms)                                           2. Exemption received for 01 Station
                                                                             (Perur) between WPR-KQQ. At
               3. Itikiyala-   Monopad                                       present only one station is planned
                  (13.58 kms)                                                between WPR-KQQ (Perur station)
                                                                             and remaining 03 stations will be
               4. Ulindakonda-    Veldurthi                                  taken along with doubling.
                  (12.06 kms)                                                TDC- 31.03.2021
          3.  Nizamabad:  Remodelling            2018-19      8,79,84      CRS  sanction  obtained,  Agencies
               of yard arrangements for                                    Available,  Work  not  started  due  to
               providing additional                                        involvement of shifting of Goods shed
               platforms and one full                                      to  JKM  station.  Proposal  for  shifting
               length dead end spur.                                       of  Goods  Shed  to  JKM  and
                                                                           development       of    goods      shed
                                                                           circulating area at JKM is pending for
                                                                           sanction  at  Railway  Board.  TDC
          4.  JANKAMPET JN: Additional           2019-20      11,30,00
               two loop lines.
          5.  Talamadla: Additional loop         2019-20      6,37,00
               line (standard layout).                                     The work was proposed under PWP
          6.  Falaknuma: Standard                2019-20      8,57,00      2019-20 and approved by GM under
               double line layout by                                       Umbrella  works  and  sent  to  Railway
               provision of DN loop line                                   board for approval.
               (standard double line
          7.  Sirnapalli: Additional loop        2019-20      6,37,00
               line (standard layout).

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