Page 32 - P S - Operating
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MMTS Phase-II works:
                 Sl.        Name of the work                    Status
                 1    MMTS (Phase-II):                 Doubling between BMO-MED was commissioned
                      MED – MLY,                       on 02.04.2019.
                      STPD „B‟ – STPD „A‟ cabin        Doubling of track between STPD „A‟ and STPD „B‟
                      (chord line) and                 chord line yet to be finalized.
                      FM - UR – GMR Airport.           FM-UR section works in progress and targeted for
                                                       commissioning during Feb‟20.

               RE works:
                 Sl.             Description of         Year of
                No     PB No.    work                  Sanction     Remarks /Present status
                 1    2019-20  Doubling with           2015-16      Doubling works with RE between was
                                 Electrification of                 sanctioned vide Pink Book, Page
                                 MMR-MUE-                           No.7.2.4, Item No.44 in the year 2019-
                                 DHNE section                       20.
                                                                    Works have been sanctioned but to be
                                                                    carried out.

               New lines:

                      1)   Akkanapet – Medak (17.20 Kms):
                            Work sanctioned vide PB 2012-13.
                            The ESPs of Akkanapet and Medakwere approved and works is in
                              progress. All Tenders for 17.20 Km has been finalized and targeted for
                              commissioning during 2020-21.
                            NI work done from 14.05.2019 to 18.05.2019 (3 days PRE NI and 02 days
                              NI) at Akkanapet and additional loop line was commissioned on

                     2)  Manoharabad – Kottapalli (148.90 kms):
                            Work sanctioned vide PB 2006-07.
                            MANOHOHARABAD - GAJWEL (30.10 KMs) COMMISSIIONED ON
                              19.06.2020 UNDER 'ONE TRAIN ONLY SYSTEM'.

                     3)  Mahbubnagar – Munirabad (222 kms):
                            Work sanctioned vide PB 1997-98.
                            Phase-I works: Devarkadra to Krishna Works between Devarkadra to
                              Jakliar section completed and one train only system introduced on
                            CRS Authorization for new line extension between Jaklair to Makthal
                              commissioned on 05.06.2020 under „ONE TRAIN ONLY SYSTEM‟.
                            The works between Makthal to Krishna is in progress.

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