Page 33 - P S - Operating
P. 33
Private Freight Terminals / Private Sidings
Sl. Name of the siding Siding Remarks
1 Lakshme food Private 1. The DPR/ESP of the subject siding proposal was
processing ware house approved vide CGE‟s letter dated 03.08.2012.
& cold storage taking off 2. Subsequently, licensing of Railway land for the
from Jankampet Jn. lead line was processed. PCE‟s office sought
station on NZB-MUE certification of inescapability of Railway land.
section. Earlier Railway board vide their letter instructed
that the lead line of siding proposal should be
barest minimum.
3. As per the approved ESP the length of Railway
Land involved is about 1600 mts. Division has
advised that only 300mts length of railway land
can be spared and inescapable for the balance
1300 mts can be laid outside the railway
4. Sr. DOM‟s office vide letter dated 27.7.17 and
10.11.2017 requested Engg.branch to process for
land licensing as per railway board new policy
5. Divisional Engg.branch processed for sparing of
railway land for connectivity and the cost towards
license fee for deposit was communicated vide
letter dated 09.05.2019.
6. Based on the representation of party the license
fee has been reviewed and revised cost towards
license fee communicated to customer.
7. Customer has remitted the land license fee to
8. Engg. branch advised customer to attend for
execution of land licensing agreement with