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2.5 REVENUE WORKING EXPENSES TO END OF OCTOBER 2021        (Figures in Rs. Cr)

                                      Actuals                     Actuals                    BP to end       Actuals                     Variation  Variation
          Demand   Actuals  to end of  Actuals                   to end of       BG(SL)        of OCT         to end  Variation             over          over
             No.        2019-20         OCT'        2020-21                     2021-22                       of OCT       over BP
                                        2019                      OCT'20                          '2021        '2021                      COPPY         2019-20

              03           92.58          54.41         90.02          53.18        91.86           53.95        58.42           4.47           5.24          4.01

              04          372.13         227.73       355.05         207.08       358.73          212.02       203.35           -8.67         -3.73        -24.38

              05          293.88         175.55       270.22         134.11       229.69          131.89       138.03            6.14           3.92       -37.52

              06          189.60         113.67       162.31           91.17      173.85          101.87       104.68            2.81         13.51          -8.99

              07          185.92         109.51       178.05         123.17       185.60          109.74         96.06        -13.68         -27.11        -13.45

              08  HYDERABAAD DIVISION                                             414.93          244.23       254.09            9.86         42.46        -62.70
              09          459.19         279.05       376.72         220.55       391.02          230.74       248.12           17.38         27.57        -30.93
              10          442.86         269.88       280.53         137.01       341.24          236.23       187.79         -48.44          50.78        -82.09

              11           70.89          55.81         72.73          53.28        68.50           49.94        54.12           4.18           0.84         -1.69

              12           71.64          37.80         83.58          41.75        74.21           43.52        47.76           4.24           6.01          9.96
              13           72.28          40.74         79.45          45.78        86.00           50.16        53.49           3.33           7.71         12.75

            TOTAL       2757.13        1680.94  2318.99            1318.71  2415.63             1464.29  1445.91              -18.38        127.20        -235.03
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9