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2.6  PLAN HEAD EXPENDITURE TO END OF OCTOBER 2021  (Figures in Rs. cr)

                                             Actuals  Actuals            BG         Actual              %

                  Plan Head                  2019-20  2020-21  2021              expenditur        Utilization
                                                                         -22     e to end of    of BG 21-
                                                                                    OCT 21              22
          16     Traffic Facilities               2.59        18.25      3.00              2.40            80%
                 Road             Safety
          29     Works                            2.62          4.85     8.93              3.25            37%

          30     ROB & RUB                       21.57        53.55          1           44.14             34%
          31     Track Renewals                229.65        231.61          2           84.39             41%

          32     Bridge Works                     7.83        12.06      5.54              4.34            78%
          33     S&T Works                        3.22          0.93     4.62              1.34            29%
                 Other Electrical
                 Works including

          36     TRD*                            11.83        21.57  12.08               10.24             85%

          41     Machinery &Plant                13.15          6.24  14.72                0.82              6%
          42     Workshops                        5.46        11.27      8.92              6.07            68%

                                 HYDERABAAD DIVISION
          51     Staff Welfare **                 4.42          3.19     1.14              0.99            87%

          53     Amenities                       42.28        62.42  20.36               14.71             72%

         64(i)  Nirbhaya Projects                 0.00          0.00     0.00              0.00              0%
                 Other        Specified
        64(ii)   Works                            0.51          0.14     0.96              0.65            68%

          65     Training/HRD                     0.01          0.01     0.00              0.00              0%
                 TOTAL                         345.14        426.09          0          173.34             42%

            *PH- 3700merged with PH -3600; ** PH - 5200 merged with PH-5100

               2.7     Plan Head Expenditure under Track Renewals

                      Expenditure  under  Plan  Heads (excl.  Track  renewals)  to  end of

                     October 21 is Rs. 88.95 crs vis-a vis
                      the Budget Grant (SL) (2021-22) of Rs. 211.58 crs, showing a booking
                     of 42% to end of October 2021.
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