Page 3 - PH-3000
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Exp.   Exp.           %age
             PROJECT           PB Item                                         Last   upto   during   Anticipate  Phy.
        SN            PH Y-o-S (PB,LB,D       Short Name of Work        Alloc.  Sanc              d TDC of                          REMARKS                     Status
                ID              RM)                                            Cost  March   2020-  Rly portion  progres
                                                                                       '20  2021           s of Rly
    30  2018-  -  SC-DHNE Section :-Elimination of manned Level  RRSK  23901  0  9059  31/12/2021 40  Boxes Casting Completed in July'20. Launching to be Done. TDC  WIP
         35  4.52.063      2019      crossing gate Nos.49 by providing RUB at KM                                 31/12/2021
                                     96/400-500 bet JCL-MBNR
    30  2018-  -  SC-DHNE Section :-Elimination of manned Level  RRSK  24269  0  4861  30/12/2021 25  Boxes Casting Completed in July'20. Launching to be Done. TDC  WIP
         36  4.52.064      2019      crossing gate Nos.62 by providing RUB at KM                                 30/12/2021
                                     116/90-117/0 bet MBNR-MQN
    30  2018-  -  Hyderabad Division: SC-DHNE: Propose   RRSK  23490  0  19136  30/09/2022 10  Work awarded on 28.09.2019 & drainage work is in progress.   WIP
         37  4.52.065      2019      Ancillary Works to RUBs in Lieu of LC No; 49 &                              TDC 30/09/2022
    30  2018-  -  SC-DHNE: Propose Ancillary Works to RUBs in  RRSK  22112  0  0  30/09/2022 10  Approach Road Work at LC No.26 and 44 completed. TDC   WIP
         38  4.52.066      2019      Lieu of LC No; 26 & 44                                                      30/09/2022

    30  2018-  -  SC-DHNE Section :-Elimination of manned Level  RRSK  24890  0  17605  31/03/2021 90  Work Completed, FCC Under Process. TDC 31/03/2021. 
         39  4.52.067      2019      crossing gate Nos.14 by providing RUB at KM
                                     29/700-800 bet UR-TMX
    30  2018-  -  SC-MUE Section: Fabrication and Supply of RH  RRSK  24682  12500  7574  30/04/2022 95  Girder Fabrication is in progress at workshop Lallaguda. TDC   WIP
         40  4.52.068      2019      Girders for Emergency Purpose                                               30/04/2022
    30  2018-  -  SC-DHNE Section :-Elimination of manned Level  RRSK  24972  509  17538  31/03/2021 90  Work Completed, FCC Under Process. TDC 31/03/2021.
         41  4.52.069      2019      crossing gate Nos.15 by providing RUB at KM
                                     30/900-31/0 bet UR-TMX
    30  2018-  -  SC-DHNE: Propose Ancillary Works to RUBs in  RRSK  23994  0  13913  31/03/2021 90  Work Completed, FCC Under Process. TDC 31/03/2021.
         42  4.52.070      2019      Lieu of LC No; 14 & 15
    30  2018-  -  SC-DHNE Section :-Elimination of manned Level  RRSK  22078  503  11871  31/03/2021 90  Work Completed, FCC Under Process. TDC 31/03/2021.
         43  4.52.071      2019      crossing gate No.26 by providing RUB at KM
                                     56/900-57/0 bet  TMX-SHNR
    30  2018-  -  SC-DHNE Section :-Elimination of manned Level  RRSK  23857  0  9686  30/06/2021 70  LC closed & RCC Boxes Launching Completed in July'20. wing   PHC
            4.52.072       2019      crossing gate No.44 by providing RUB at KM                                  wall and drainage works completed. Road work is in progress.
                                     89/400-500 bet GLY-JCL                                                      TDC 30/06/2021
    30  2018-  -  SC-DHNE Section: Fabrication and Supply of   RRSK  24682  5000  5000  31/08/2022 60  Girder Fabrication is in progress at workshop Lallaguda. TDC   WIP
            4.52.073       2019      RH Girders for Emergency Purpose                                            31/08/2022

    30  2019-  -  Hyderabad division - SC-DHNE Section :-  RRSK  23652  0  0  31/08/2022 11  Box casting in progress. TDC 31/08/2022
            4.52.001       2020      Elimination of Manned LC No. 116 KM 210/200-
                                     300 by Providing RUB in between IKI-MOA
    30  2019-  -  Hyderabad division - SC-DHNE Section :-  RRSK  24270  0  0  31/08/2022 11  Box casting in progress. 31/08/2022
            4.52.002       2020      Elimination of Manned LC No. 110 @ KM
                                     205/800-900 by Providing RUB in between PDO-
                                     IKI Station.
    30  2019-  -  Hyderabad Division - Proposed Ancillary Work   RRSK  20236  0  0  30/09/2022 11  Box casting in progress. TDC 30/09/2022
         48  4.52.003      2020      for RUBs in lieu of LC NO. 116
    30  2019-  -  Hyderabad division - SC-DHNE Section :-  RRSK  23207  0  0  30/09/2023 0  Tender to be called. TDC 30/09/2023           TT
            4.52.004       2020      Elimination of Manned LC No. 158 @ KM
                                     284/100-200 by Providing RUB in between VDI-
                                     BVO Station.
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