Page 1 - P S - Personnel
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               Organization Chart

                                                          Sr. DPO
                                                   M.SREE RAMULU


                                                    K. RAVI KUMAR

                                    APO/E                                        APO/T

                               SK.PEER BABU                                SMT.G.LAKSHIMI

                   1.  Division Profile:

                       The  sanctioned  strength  and  operated  strength  of  HYB  division  of  all
                       departments (excluding Accounts & Security) as on 01.03.2021 are as under:

                              Group            Sanctioned Strength             Operated Strength
                            Group”A”                     31                            36
                            Group”B”                    31                             26
                            Group”C”                   7018                           5846
                              Total                    7080                           5908

                   2.  Dept. wise Sanction, Actual, Vacancy & Excess Position as on 01.03.2021:

                        S.No  Department              Sanc.     Act.        Vac.      Excess

                        1      ADMINISTRATION            42         47         0               5
                        2      CIVIL ENGG.             2604       2096        508              0
                        3      MECHANICAL              1397       1208        189              0
                        4      OPERATING                983        787        196              0
                        5      COMMERCIAL               453        374        79               0
                        6      SIG & TELE               433        381        52               0
                        7      ELECTRICAL               767        671        96               0
                        0      MEDICAL                  167        130        37               0
                        9      PERSONNEL                 93         85         8               0
                        10     SCHOOLS                   79         67        12               0
                               GRAND TOTAL             7018     5846         1177              5

                                                                                                           Net Vacancies: 1172

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