Page 4 - P S - Personnel
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            4    Guards              267      225     41     13   1.  Notification issued for 7 vacancies of
                                                                  2.  Indent placed for 16 vacancies on
                                                                  3.  Assessment approved for 34 vacancies of
                                                                  Sr.Pass.Guard.  10 Eligible employees are
                                                                      1)  Indent placed for 70 posts on
            5    SM/ASMs              268     216     52     0         mandatory training.
                                                                  4.  Assessment approved for 30 vacancies in
                                                                  the   2)  Written exam conducted for 26
                                                                          vacancies of SM under GS quota on
                                                                       category of Sr.GG.  No eligible employees
                                                                  with 2   12.11.2020.  Notification issued for 18
                                                                          vacancies of SM/LDCE,    Select list
                                                                       years residency period.
                                                                          issued for 7 vacancies of SS.-  Stay
                                                                          Orders issued by Hon‟ble CAT/HYB.

            6    Trackmen            1529  1375  154         0    Indent placed on RRC  for 568 on
                                                                  14.02.2019, of which 338 papers received
                                                                  and  posting orders given for 294 employees
                                                                  of Track Maintainers. At present there are
                                                                  only 154 vacancies in the category of TM.IV.
                                                                  Papers awaited.

               9.  Court Cases.

               9.1 Details of Pending Court Cases:

               Details of Court cases dealt during the years 2018-19,  2019-2020  & 2020-21 are as

                   Year           Opening     Accrued   Total       Cases Won        Cases Lost        Closing
                                  Balance                                                             Balance
            2018-19                 173          37        210          106                7             97
            2019-20                  91          30        121           30               16             75
            2020-21                  75          22        97            12                2             83
            (Up to 28.02.21)

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