Page 3 - P S - Personnel
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6. Alternative appointment to medically decategorised staff.:

                         No of accrued from 01.01.2020 to till date                           31
                         No. of cases closed by absorbing in alternative post/VR              25

                         Balance Cases                                                        06

                        * Only 6 cases are  pending and under process.*

               7.  Revision of Pension Cases:  Consequent on implementation of 7  Pay Commision
               from 01.01.2016, Revision of Pre-2016 cases on HYB Divn.  are as under

                Total Cases        No. of Revision     PPOs Generated           No.of
                 identified       cases completed                               cases           Remarks

                   10337                 10337                10337                 0      As on date, there
                                                                                           are no pending

               8.  Vacancy position in Safety Categories: as on 01.03.2021 & Action Plan

              Sl.      Category           S       A      V      E                    Remarks

              1     Loco Pilots         562      479     83     0    1. ALP 13 vacancies – 22 candidates
                                                                     are under training.

                                                                     2.75 Nos  RRB papers received and
                                                                     offers sent.and will be directed for
                                                                     training as per  training slot  . Excess
                                                                     operation against over all vacancies.

              2     Loco Pilot           34      18      16     0    It has been decided  to fill up the
                    (Shunters)                                       vacancies only after filling up the
                                                                     vacancies in Loco Pilots category.
              3     Loco                 38         32   6      0    Notification issued on 08.01.2021 with
                    Supervisors/                                     last date 07.02.2021, 16 applications
                    CCC/CC/CPCO                                      received.  Under process for verification
                    R/-                                              and to adhjudge the suitability.
                    Total:              634  529        105     0

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