Page 6 - P S - Personnel
P. 6

10.1 PNM Meetings with SCRES

                         Year       Target for    Meetings     No.of items  No. of items       No. of Items
                                    meetings         held       discussed        closed          Pending
                         2018           6             3             77             31               46
                         2019           6             4             85             59               26
                         2020           6             0              0              0               26

               10.2 PNM Meetings with SCRMU

                         Year       Target for    Meetings     No.of items  No. of items       No. of Items
                                    meetings         held       discussed        closed          Pending
                         2018           6             3             72             27               45
                         2019           6             5             80             56               24
                         2020           6             1             30             11               43

               10.3:  Redressal of Grievances:DPG/DoPT/CPGRAMS & NIVARAN:

                                     No.of Grievances  No.Disposed   Pending                    Remarks
                      Sl.No.             Received
                           1                314                     310            04           -

               Efforts are made to solve the Grievances within 10 days of time.  The time to time action
               taken on the  Grievances will be  intimated to the applicant through   SMS.

               10.4  Staff Amenities:  Railway Quarters:

                       The following are the details of Rly Qtrs available on HYB Division.

                           Type.I         Type.II       Type.III       Type.IV         Total

                            1019            309           157             13           1498

               11.  Welfare and Staff Amenities:

                11.1  Institutes:    4 Institutes are functioning on HYB Division.

                S.     Centre/        No.of     Approx 20%       Chairman of         Facilities     Auditng
                No     Location     members       of staff as    the institute      available         done
                 1    Bhoiguda         569            Not       Sr.DFM/HYB         Given below*         -
                 2    S.LGD            440       Functioning  Sr.DME/HYB                           2017-18
                 3    MLY              474       Functioning  SR.MS/MLY                            2018-19
                 4    NZB              119           Not        ADEN/NZB                                -
               The following facilities are available in all Four Institutes:
               *1) Reading Room with News papers, 2) Billiards & snookers, 3) Outdoor/indoor games
               (4) Table Tennis, 5) Shuttle Badminton.

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