P. 2
b. Rest Rooms:
Location No.of Rooms No.of Beds Peak occupancy
KRNT 3 15 6 (93%)
GWD 7 ROOMS & 12 Cubicles 26 7 (23%)
MBNR 2 7 4 (57 %)
The following facilities provided in all Running Rooms:
All running/Rest rooms NZB, KCG, MBNR, GWD & KRNT are provided
with Air conditioning.
At KRNT, KCG & GWD Rest rooms, Meditation room, Dining hall, Kitchen.
RO purified drinking water with water coolers.
Hot water dispensers.
Washing machine, and Iron Box and Ironing pad provided.
Outsourced in all respects including housekeeping.
Solar hot water system provided at NZB, KRNT & GWD.
Exclusive Standby power supply provided at GWD.
All running/rest rooms NZB, KCG, MBNR, GWD & KRNT are provided
with CCTV and surveillance system.
Digital bed occupation system was provided at NZB Running room.
2.0 Performance:
2.1 Achievement of targets.
Apr-20 to Sep-20 Apr-21 to SEP-21
Target Actual Target Actual
Diesel Loco Utilization 571 399 430 403
09 Hrs Compliance % 85 68.7 85 61.4
Punctuality loss of trains in Dsl 0 0 0 2
Loco Account
Punctuality loss of trains on 0 0 0 0.167
Crew account
Stalling on account of Dsl Loco 0 0 0 0
Average Speed 50 45 50.0 56
2.2 Loco Pilots involved in accident Cases:
Subject Apr-20 to Sep-20 Apr-21 to SEP-21
Yard derailments 0 0
Signal Passing At Danger 0 0
Collision 0 0
LPs involved in accidents in other 0 0
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