Page 4 - P S - Commercial
P. 4
Commercial Parameters:
(Revenue in Crores)
April- Feb % Variation over
Actuals Target 2020-21
Service Head 2019-20 2020-21
2019-20 2020-21 Prop L/Yr Target
Actuals Actuals
Passenger 305.92 327.41 295.02 315.76 38.61 -87 -88
Other Coaching 17.23 6.83 15.20 6.24 10.061 -34 61
Goods 131.15 227.52 113.67 206.31 164.51 45 -20
Sundries 17.65 36.83 16.52 33.76 8.491 -49 -75
Comml portion of 6.582 0.860 6.03 0.79 0.34 -94 -57
sundry Revenue
Total 471.95 598.59 440.41 562.07 221.672 -50 -61
No. Of Passg (in 42.09 44.77 39.98 42.79 1.03 -97 -98
Originating Passengers Revenue:
(No of pass in Million and Revenue in Crores)
Till Feb % Var
2019-20 2020-21 2020-21
Actuals Target 2019-20 Over Over
Actuals Tgt Actuals last year Target
Passenger 305.92 327.41 295.02 315.76 38.61 -87 -88
No. Of Passg
(in Millions) 42.09 44.77 39.98 42.79 1.03 -97 -98
The Division's originating Revenue stood at Rs.38.61 Crores (Upto Feb-21) compared to Rs
295.02 Crores during the corresponding period of last year recorded a shortfall of (-) 87% and
against the proportionate target of Rs. 315.76 Crores recorded a decrease of (-)88% which is
due to cancellation of passenger services in view of Covid-19.
Even if the normal running of passenger services is restored, the achievement of targeted
passenger revenue i.e 327.41 crores is difficult.
Other Coaching Revenue:
Division has surpassed the target set i.e 6.85 Crores in other coaching segment with best
marketing efforts in Parcel Business.
Division has realized Rs 10.061 Crores (Upto Feb-2021) with an shortfall of 34% over last
year and + 61% over proportionate target. With best marketing efforts in parcel segment division
could load 756 VPUs (upto Feb-21) and realized revenue of Rs. 7.31 Crores through VPs only.