Page 5 - P S - Commercial
P. 5
(Revenue in Crores)
Till Feb % Variation
2019-20 2020-21
Head 20-21 Over Last Over
Actual Target 19-20 20-21
Target Year Target
Parcel 6.8 0 6.43 0 7.72 +20 -
Luggage 0.28 0 0.26 0 0.03 -88 -
Total 7.08 0 6.69 0 7.75 +16 -
Divisions parcel Revenue (Parcels + Luggage) stood at Rs. 7.75 Crores to the end of
Feb-21 compared to Rs 6.69 Crores during the corresponding period of last year recorded an
increase of (+) 16%.
With Best Marketing Efforts:
First time ever Kacheguda station has loaded Indented/Service VPs
First time ever Medchal Station (Temporarily notified for parcel handling)
loaded 4 Indented VPs to Southern states.
First time ever iced fish loaded from KRNT – HWH and Nannari Seeds to
The details of VPs revenue in Parcel segment of Hyderabad Division during 2020-21
till Feb-2021 as under:
Weight Revenue
No. of VPUs
(in Tonnes) (Rs. In Crores)
2019- 2020- 2019- 2020- 2019- 2020- % Var.
2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021
287 756 7820 17572 4.67 7.31 56.5
Divisions has loaded 756 VPUs (upto Feb-21) and realised revenue of Rs. 7.31
Crores with an increase of 56.5 % over corresponding period of last year. With Best
marketing efforts division could attract new customers and loaded to new destinations.
(a) Ticket Checking:
(Revenue in Crores)
APR- FEB % Variation
2019-20 2020-21
20-21 Over Last Over
Actual Target 19-20 20-21
Target Year Target
Cases 260028 0 245176 0 2539 -99 0
Revenue 9.46 0 8.92 0 0.13 -99 0
Due to cancellation of Train Service in view of Covid- 19, Ticket Checking Revenue is
very negligible.