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                          All out efforts are being made to maximize NINFRIS & App Based Revenue
                            by    Encouraging existing contractors.
                          Amusement  Park  with  revenue  of  Rs.  26  Lakhs  at  MJF  &  KMC  is  under
                          UV Baggage Bath contract at KCG is finalized and realized 1.80 Lakhs.
                          Refreshment Stall Facility for Hamals at Goods Shes Nizamabad  awarded to
                            Shri Abdul Razzak and realized 1.30 Lakhs.

                     Catering & MPS:

                             Relief is granted from payment of licensee fee upto 31.12.2020
                             Tenders for left over location  will be invited on attaining normalcy
                              On resumption of Covid/Festival Spl trains, few catering/mps stalls are
                                 being operated for serving the travelling public and proportionate licensee
                                 fee is being realized.

                        Pay & Use Toilets:

                          Tenders  floated  for  Pay  &  Use  Toilets  at  KRNT  with  an  Reserve  of  Rs.
                           1,47,791/- on 06.11.2020,Opened on 11.12.2020 and awarded to Sri Bekkam
                           Srinivas Kumar, Secunderebad with licence fee  Rs. 2,60,001 PA for a period
                           of three years.
                          Quotations invited for pay & use toilets at BSX, GWD, MJF & Second Class
                             waiting  hall of NZB. Except MJF all the above locations were finalized and
                             awarded  to  M/s  G.  Narayana  &  Brothers  with  a  license  fee  of  Rs.64,357
                             (BSX-Rs5879,GWD-  Rs.5589  &  NZB-Rs.52,889)  for  a  period  of  three
                          Under  BOT  scheme,  Pay  &  Use  Toilets  at  Kacheguda  (Golnaka  Side)
                             awarded  to  M/s.  Valmiki  Samaja  Seva  Society  with  license  fee  of  Rs.
                             75,000/- for a period of five years.

                        ATMs:

                         Revenue generated from ATM contracts is Rs. 13.78 Lakhs.

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