Page 6 - Our legacy and Achievements.pdf
P. 6

  Contactless hand sanitizer   dispenser
                   Contactless  Hand  sanitizer dispenser provided  at  all
                   running rooms, restrooms, lobbies and C&W depots.

            Expenditure Control in Out sourcing

                 All on going contracts have been reviewed  critically towards expenditure control by
                   optimizing  the  manpower  and  by  clubbing  various  contracts.  With  this  exercise,  a
                   saving of 2.22 crores has been achieved in the year 2020-21.

                                                   (EnHM Wing)

                 As per CPCB instructions Water meters provided to inlet and outlet water pipes at
                   KCG, KRNT, NZB and BSX railway station for keeping log of water consumption and
                   waste water discharge.

                                                                     Provision of water meters at KCG.

                 Certification for Environment Management (ISO-14001) –

                All the four nominated stations have obtained ISO certificates

                1. KCG Railway Station achieved ISO 14001:2015 certificate.
                2. KRNT Railway Station achieved ISO 14001:2015 certificate.
                3. NZB Railway Station achieved ISO 14001:2015 certificate.
                4. BSX Railway Station achieved ISO 14001:2015 certificate

                                                 Environment Management certificate received at NZB.

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