Page 2 - Volume XIII- Hospital Newsletter
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MiCare E-Newsletter Vol XIII
and direct observed therapy (DOT) ensures
good adherence and management practice.
Since PTB is spread via respiratory droplets
through cough, therefore keeping a physical
distance is essential and the patient with a The treatment varies from 3 to 9 months depend-
chronic productive cough ought to wear a surgi- ing on the drug regime.
cal mask. BCG Vaccinations (Bacile Calmete
Geurin) is also important to prevent Tuberculo- TB remains an increasing concern as the num-
sis. Individuals exposed to a PTB patient bers of cases continue to rise yearly in Malaysia
although with a small proportion would eventual- and globally. This is added by a significant inci-
ly catch the disease. People who are infected dence of multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) and
but do not show any clinical manifestation of extensively drug- resistant TB (XDR-TB) which
disease activity is said to have Latent Tuberculo- makes therapeutic options very challenging.
sis Infection (LTBI). The lifetime risk of develop-
ing TB among the Latent Tuberculosis Infection
is about 5-10%. Latent Tuberculosis Infection
diagnosis can be made with normal CXR and a
positive Mantoux test (tuberculin skin test) or TB
Gold Quantiferon test (blood test). The treat-
ment of Latent Tuberculous Infection is advocat-
ed especially for high risks individuals eg.
immune compromised, recreational drug abus-
ers, those from countries with low TB incidence.
For more information or to make an appointment with the hospital, please scan the
Article Contributed by:
Dr Raymond George Varughese
MB ChB, Leicester University (UK), MRCP ,
Royal College of Physicians
KPJ Klang Specialist Hospital
MiCare Sdn Bhd, Block A, No. 22, Jalan Astaka U8/84, Seksyen U8,
For any enquiry, kindly email to Bukit Jelutong, 40150 Shah Alam,Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia 2
Hotline :1 800 88 7940