Page 5 - Volume XIII- Hospital Newsletter
P. 5

MiCare E-Newsletter                                                                          Vol XIII

          -       Dark yellow and strong-smelling pee

                                                               Last  one is  to  stay  positive, socialize with
                                                               people  via modern  technology, self-reflection
                                                               and have your own spiritual development. Here
                                                               I share with you one of recipe for your healthy

   4)     Protect your gut

   •       For your information, more than
          three-quarters of the immune system of
          your body lies in the gut.
   •      Hence, your stomach must be filled up with
          more good bacteria over the pathogenic.
   •      Dietary factor and balance is the key to             RECIPE
          make sure your gut is filled with good               Make 1 (big) bowl
          bacteria:                                            Ingredients:
   -      Take sufficient dietary fibre (whole grains,                •      1 cup almond milk (any milk that
          legumes, veggies).                                                 suites your taste)
   -      Drink sufficient water                                      •      2 tablespoons chia seeds
   -      Consume probiotic-containing foods and                      •      2 tablespoons rolled oats
          beverages (cultured milk drink, yogurt)                     •      1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
                                                                      •      1 tablespoon maple syrup

   5)     Stay physically active even during MCO                      •      1 teaspoon vanilla
                                                                      •      1 banana
                                                                      •      1 tablespoon shredded coconut
   •      Instead of sleeping and resting all day, how
          about planning some activities with your                    •      1 tablespoon raisins
          loved one?                                                  •      dash of cinnamon
   •      Indoor activities (Cleaning your house and
          decorate your house with your family to a            Part A
          new look, gardening, cooking with family,
          run around and play with your children               1)     Add the almond milk, chia seeds, rolled
          within home compound)                                       oats, lemon juice, maple syrup, and
   •      For those who likes to workout, how about                   vanilla to a blender and blend until the
          do your own mini gymnasium at your                          chia seeds and rolled oats have been
          home? Such as by doing yoga, aerobic,                       fully puréed.
          and weight lifting training.                         2)     At this point, the mixture will still be a
                                                                      runny liquid – the chia seeds need a few

                                                       MiCare Sdn Bhd, Block A, No. 22, Jalan Astaka U8/84, Seksyen U8,
   For any enquiry, kindly email to  Bukit Jelutong, 40150 Shah Alam,Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia  5
                                                                          Hotline :1 800 88 7940
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