Page 16 - Keralite Magazine _2020
P. 16

KERALITE      APRIL 20 20    35
          equally by people of all faiths and castes. (In fact,    So in many ways, Onam has always had a very
          Christians and Muslims feel as much "ownership" of    special and unique place in my heart. As a young
          this festival as Hindus do; I discovered, for instance,   child, our family could only make our bi-annual
          that Onam is celebrated in Gambia, western Africa,    visits to our ancestral tharavadu during the school
          by the small and entirely Christian Malayalee         summer and Christmas vacations, so Onam in
          community there, with great fanfare.)                 Kerala was never a possibility back then. But even
                                                                then, my late father, who was an extraordinarily
          2008 was a particularly special Onam celebration
          for me. That was the year when for the first time, I   active individual within the local Malayalee
          finally managed to get an opportunity to celebrate     community wherever he lived, would ensure that
          the festival as a Malayalee in Kerala. Not that I     each year, our family would gear up in full strength
          hadn’t  celebrated  Onam  before.  But  I  just  hadn't   for the week long festivities, whether in Mumbai,
          been to Kerala at Onam-time. I have more than         Kolkata or Delhi, and, of course, its chef-d'œuvre,
          made up for that every year since.                    (and my favourite meal as a committed vegetarian),
                                                                the trademark onam sadya.
          Two years later the celebration became even more
          memorable, since Onam of                              The sadya, a flavourful collection of every possible
          2010 marked the day after I                                                   local  Kerala   dish   that
          married my wife, the late                                                     comes  together  to  mark  a
          Sunanda Pushkar Tharoor,                So in many ways,                      delectable culinary riot of
          at a small ceremony in my                                                     tastes in one’s unsuspecting
          ancestral     home       in         Onam has always had a                     palate, is symbolically, in
          Palakkad, on the eve of            very special and unique                    many ways, a reflection of the
          Onam. The o cial function               place in my heart.                    remarkable coming together
          was    followed    by    a                                                    of our shared Malayalee ethos,
          reception the next day, the             As a young child,                     a  phenomenon  I  call  the
          morning of Thiruvonam,               our family could only                    ‘Malayali miracle’ -a community
          following which we shared         make our bi-annual visits                   that has practised openness
          our first sadya together at                                                    and tolerance from time
          the Sree Chitra Home, in          to our ancestral tharavadu                  immemorial;    which    has
          Thiruvananthapuram, in the        during the school summer                    made religious and ethnic
          company     of   the   less        and Christmas vacations,                   diversity a part of its daily
          privileged - an annual tradition                                              life rather than a source of
          I  have  followed  since  my                                                  division; which has overcome
          first election campaign in                                                     caste discrimination and
          2007, over a decade ago. Not that it was her first     class oppression through education, land reforms,
          Onam either; with a larger number of Malayalee        and political democracy; which has given its
          friends in both Dubai and in Canada (the two parts    working men and women greater rights and a
          of the world she spent a significant time in) and her   higher minimum wage than anywhere else in India;
          love for avial and coconut based preparations,        and which has honoured its women and enabled
          Sunanda,   though    born   a   Kashmiri   Pandit,    them to lead productive, fulfilling and empowered
          celebrated the festival like a bona fide Keralite. Alas,   lives. I have often remarked that if America is a
          her tragic and untimely demise has now cast a         melting pot that India is a thali (or given the
          bittersweet shadow over the occasion but I remain     circumstances, a Sadya!) a selection of sumptuous
          comforted by the fact that none of the tragic events   dishes in di erent bowls (and in our case spread
          that followed, can take away from the fond            across the vast and green banana leaf). Each tastes
          memories and precious sentiments of that day,         di erent, and does not necessarily mix with the
          which I will always remember and cherish.             next, but they belong together on the same plate,
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