Page 35 - Keralite Magazine _2020
P. 35

KERALITE      APRIL 20 20    35
          rigid; we had fun. There were entertaining exercises   create enthusiastic dynamics that support others’                                            conduct ourselves, speak impromptu, organize
          that we all had to take part in. Also, for every class   opinions. This promotes independence and the                                               speeches, and use hand gestures, voice, and vocab
          we had a president, vice president, secretary, and a   ability to make choices. An organization is nothing                                          in our speeches. Every week, I could  see
          sergeant at arms. Every position had certain          without its leaders. In order for an organization to                                          improvement in myself and my peers, and I was
          responsibilities - from starting the meeting, to      continue operation, new members must come in                                                  becoming more comfortable talking in front of an
          timing, and banging the little gavel we got. Each     and take over the roles of the outgoing members.                                              audience. Toastmasters gave me a sense of how
          class had a di erent topic - gestures, voice,         Leadership is important to provide direction and                                              a governing body is run, by showing us the
          vocabulary, etc. Now you may be wondering how         momentum for any activity or enterprise. We have                                              responsibilities of a president, vice president,
          exactly the YLF is di erent from a regular speech                                                                                                   secretary, and sergeant at arms. I believe this was a
          class. We had these exercises called Table Topics,    seen  leaders  take charge of  countries and                                                  good starting point for us to take up other
          and it was basically impromptu speaking. We would     companies and take them to new heights. KC YLF is                                             leadership roles and run an organization like YLF.
          go up, get a topic, and would have to talk about      a  forum provided  by the Kerala Club to  build
          that topic for a couple of minutes. All in all, these   leaders. Starting young gives us a whole new                                                I feel the Toastmaster enrichment program was the
          sessions really helped me grow as a public speaker    perspective on how we can be molded into good                                                 first stepping stone into programs like the YLF.
          and I’m thankful for that.                            leaders and citizens. It is not just about giving back                                        Throughout this journey of Toastmasters, I’ve been
                                                                to the Malayali community, but to the society at                                              able to come out of a shell when it comes to public
          Now that you all are aware of what the YLF is, we
          can talk about what it could possibly do. YLF aims    large. As an 8th grader, I was fortunate to                                                   speaking. I hope to retain all of what I learned here
          to be beneficial to the society and make a positive    participate in this initiative and imbibe a lot of this                                       and take it with me to the workforce. As for the YLF,
          impact  by  organizing  fundraisers,  charity  events,   “can do” spirit. It also gave me an opportunity to                                         I hope we create an organization that encourages
          volunteering, etc. Through these programs we strive   share and interact with high schoolers and adults in                                          us to take up leadership roles and learn what it is
          to  acquire skills  such as time management, task     a very stress-free and collegial environment.                                                 like to run an organization. The future of the YLF is
          prioritization, crisis management, being a better                                                                                                   yet to be written, but hopefully, we will be able to
          team player and becoming a better listener.                                                                                                         write one fantastic story!
          Possessing these skills will make us better leaders
          and will mold our character to create an even better
          In conclusion, I would like to leave you all with a
          quote by Bill Gates: “As we look ahead into the next                          Nandana
          century, leaders will be those who empower
          others.”                                                                                                                                                                  Neha Reuben
 My journey basically started back in the summer of
 2019 when Arun Uncle came up to me and a couple
 of friends and told us we needed to make a video.
 School had just ended, and I had gone to that picnic           Eight months ago, in May of 2019, our coordinator,
 with the mindset of getting no work done. Next                 Arun Das, came to my friends and me during the KC
 thing I knew, we were recording a video for some
 sort of youth leadership thing. Fast forward a                         Mihika Shibu  picnic. He  began talking  about an organization
 couple of months and we are having our first                    called Toastmasters and the Youth Leadership
 meeting for the YLF. I was pleasantly surprised that           Program or YLP. He emphasized how he wanted to
 even though it was a speech class, it wasn’t like the          enroll us in Toastmasters and start our own YLP in
                                                                the Kerala Club, and thought we were the perfect
 usual, boring classes I had taken before. Since it was
 with a bunch of my friends, the environment was                kids for the job. We were confused and skeptical
 fun and pleasant. Everyone there was really                    about the idea; some of us didn’t even want to do it,
 encouraging, and it was easy to tell that every   Kerala Club Youth Leadership Forum focuses on   but shhh..., don’t tell Arun Uncle. But surely, by Oct
 single person genuinely wanted to help us learn   enabling us to communicate our ideas and showcase   of 2019, the first Toastmasters class had begun, and
 more. The sessions were not completely strict and   the leadership  skills we never thought we had. We   for the next eight weeks, we would learn how to
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