Page 13 - DRT 2023 July
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~ Solos Directors ~ Cezar Williams is an
award-winning director.
Laura Ekstrand is co- Recent credits include
founder and artistic the Off-Broadway
director of Vivid Stage, premiere of Dancing on
formerly Dreamcatcher Eggshells (Billie Holiday
Rep. She is an actor, Theatre), Till: A Musical
director, playwright and (American Theater
teacher who has appeared Group), Mitchelville
on stages and screens for (Lean Ensemble Theatre), Sweat
over 30 years. As an actor, (Purchase Repertory Theater), The
Laura appeared at Vivid Stage in Water October Storm (Hudson Stage
in My Hands, Be Here Now, The Lucky Company), Crowndation (National Black
Ones, What Stays; Sister Play; Theatre and CTG Digital Stage), The
Motherhood Out Loud; and Shakespeare Hunting Season (Planet Connections
in Vegas, among many others, and is a Festivity, Award for Best Direction), You
member of the Flip Side improv comedy Wouldn’t Expect (American Bard
team. She has worked at many other Theater), How To Be Safe (The Dirty
New Jersey Theatres including the Blondes Theater), Lunchtime in Heaven
Bickford Theatre, Centenary Stage, (48 hours in Harlem), Nightfall, Slow
Luna Stage, Passage Theater, Pushcart Gin Fits, Ain’t No Mo’ (The Fire This
Players, The Theater Project, 12 Miles Time Festival 2013, 2014, 2016). He is
West. In New York, Laura has appeared the Artistic Director of the Obie Award
at Naked Angels, Ensemble Studio winning Fire This Time Festival and an
Theatre, and New Georges. Her film Adjunct Professor of Acting at SUNY
credits include American Zombieland, Purchase College. Cezar Williams is a
Split Ends, High Art, I Shot Andy member of the Stage Directors and
Warhol. Laura’s television experience Choreographers Society. For
includes Hack, Sex And The City, Law & professional inquiries contact him at
Order, and The Guiding Light. As a
director, some projects include Twirl,
Dead and Buried, Every Brilliant Thing, Christopher Young
The How and the Why, Next Fall, currently serves as the
Distracted, The Pursuit Of Happiness, General Manager of the
Melancholy Play, Pride’s Crossing, Full Centenary Stage
Bloom and many others. Laura has Company, a professional
directed the dramatic podcasts The theatre located on the
Weirdness and Young Ben Franklin for campus of Centenary
Gen Z Media. As a playwright, full University in
lengths include Life’s Work, What Stays Hackettstown, NJ where
(with Jason Szamreta), Whatever Will he also serves as an adjunct faculty
Be, The Neighborhood (Book and Lyrics; member of the University Theatre
Music by Joe Zawila), Brink of Life Department. An MFA graduate from the
(Book; Lyrics by Steve Harper; Music by Professional Actor Training Program of
Oliver Lake) and Astonishment, How to Ohio University. As an actor Chris has
be Old: A Beginner’s Guide, and At worked with theaters including The
Ninety-Three (Adaptations). Laura is a Monomoy Theatre in Chatham,
private monologue and public speaking Massachusetts; the Oxford
coach and holds a BA from Yale Shakespeare Festival in Oxford,
University and an MFA from Sarah Mississippi; Valley Young Company in
Lawrence College. Laura is the Chair of New Brunswick, Canada; Vivid Stage,
the New Jersey Theatre Alliance Board 12 Miles West Theatre Co., Alliance
of Trustees and a member of AEA, SAG- Repertory Theatre, Centenary Stage
AFTRA and the Dramatists Guild. Company (NJ); and Vampire Cowboys
(NYC). Recent film credits include The