Page 14 - DRT 2023 July
P. 14

Haunting of Jessie Ross (post-        Naked Angels, and Prop Theatre. In
      production), Hunter's Weekend         2018 his horror short Kin-Dread was
      (streaming on Amazon Prime), My Dad   screened at Chicago's Music Box
      and Bob Todd, Hotel (winner Best Actor,   Theater as a part of their 24 hour film
      Atlantic City Cinefest), Jess Archer Vs.   festival. Recently Jerico was a part of
      and Star Crossed Lovers. Recent       the Jackalope Theatre Playwrights LAB,
      directing credits include She Kills   while his piece Christian Ethics
      Monsters and Alice in Slasher Land with   Committee was a part of the One Act
      Centenary University's NEXTstage      Festival at Chain Theatre. Next, Jerico’s
      Repertory. Chris is a member of Actor's   piece The Kids Are Seeing Lavender will
      Equity Association.                   be featured in the RIPPED Festival with
                                            American Blues Theater.
               ~ Playwrights ~
                                            Steve Harper (see above)
                 Ian August is a NJ based              Douglas McGrath began
                 playwright and lyricist,              his career at Saturday
                 whose works have been                 Night Live in what was
                 performed across the U.S.,            incontestably the worst
                 as well as in Canada,                 year in the show's history.
                 Australia, the UK, South              He co-wrote Bullets Over
                 Korea, and Bermuda. His               Broadway with Woody
                 plays have been developed             Allen; their screenplay
                 at the PlayPenn New Play              was nominated for an
      Conference, the Powerhouse Theatre    Academy Award. He has written and
      Festival (Vassar / New York Stage and   directed his own films: Emma,
      Film), the Great Plains Theatre       Company Man, Nicholas Nickleby, and
      Conference and elsewhere. Mr. August is   Infamous. His documentary His Way,
      a member of the American Theatre      about the legendary music promoter
      Group’s ATG PlayLab, and a graduated   and movie producer Jerry Weintraub,
      member of PlayPenn’s playwriting lab,   debuted on HBO. He also directed I
      The Foundry. Several of his short plays   Don’t Know How She Does It starring
      have been published by Sam French     Sarah Jessica Parker. He has written
      Inc., Smith and Kraus Publishing, the   frequently about the arts and politics
      One-Act Play Depot, and Pipeline /    for The New Republic, the New York
      Applause Books. He was a 2019         Times, the New Yorker and Vanity Fair
      Playwright in Residence at the William   program.
      Inge Center for the Arts in
      Independence, Kansas, and graduate of          ~ The Flip Side ~
      Goddard College’s Creative Writing MFA
      Program. In 2021, Mr. August was the             Clark Scott Carmichael
      recipient of an Independent Artist               is a Vivid company
      Fellowship from the NJ State Council on          member, first seen in
      the Arts. He is also an adjunct professor        2001 in Three Days of
      of Playwriting at Stockton University in         Rain and last seen in
      Stockton, NJ. Mr. August lives at a              Twirl. Most recently he
      boarding school with one husband,                played Senator Palmer in
      three cats, and approximately 830                the upcoming show,
      teenage children.                                Lioness, starring Nicole
                 Jerico Bleu is an actor/   Kidman; and Tom the diaper cream
                                            salesman on The Marvelous Mrs.
                 playwright originally from   Maisel; as well as Detective Church in
                 East Tennessee. He         the upcoming film, Invitation to a
                 obtained his Bachelor's    Murder. Earlier in the pandemic, Clark
                 Degree from Columbia       played Officer Kensey in the limited
                 College Chicago. While in   series The Green Veil with John
                 Chicago his documentary    Leguizamo. Locally, he’s done over 20
                 style solo show Biscuits &   productions at the Shakespeare
                 Bullshit was featured in   Theater of New Jersey. He was a
      MPAACT’s Solo Jamz Festival at the    Jumper on Broadway in Tom
      Greenhouse Theatre. His written work   Stoppard’s, Jumpers. Regional/off
      has been seen at The Barrow Group,    Broadway credits: Rep St. Louis,
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