Page 15 - DRT 2023 July
P. 15

Hartford TheatreWorks, The Acting   regional theater, television
     Company, Red Bull Theater, Two River   commercials, print work, voiceovers
     Theater, KC Rep, New York Fringe    and movies.
     Festival, Williamstown Theater Festival,        Dave Maulbeck is an
     Merry-Go- Round Playhouse, Dorset               entertainment artist and
     theater Festival, Pennsylvania Center           member of the Screen
     Stage, Great Lakes Theater Festival,            Actors Guild and he
     Kentucky Shakespeare Festival, NJ Rep,          recently relocated back to
     Mill Mountain Theater, Hope Summer              New York City after a
     Rep, Hudson Valley Shakespeare                  multi-year stint in Los
     Festival, Shakespeare Theatre in                Angeles.  He has starred
     Washington DC. Television credits: The          in several commercials,
     Gilded Age, FBI: Most Wanted, Pat   including the Super Bowl Ad -
     Carney in The Politician, Harold on    Groundhog Day, for truTV, and as the
     Living with Yourself, Little America, The   Polish Polisher for Burger King and
     Plot Against America, Pose, The     with  film credits include, the evil Dr.
     Blacklist, Connor Riley on Gotham,   Wily in Megaman, and the main
     Forever, Dean Masters on House of   character Dracula Goes to Camp, Dave
     Cards, Law & Order, Kidnapped, As The   is no stranger to the screen.
     World Turns, Unforgettable, and     In 2007 Dave co-founded Chicken
     Boardwalk Empire. Film credits: Martin,   Scoop Productions where he executive
     in Adopting Audrey, Ref Chris in Inside   produced several spec pilots, music
     Game, The Irishman, The God         videos, and web series. More recently
     Committee, The Kindergarten Teacher,   he has been developing animation
     Campbell Scott’s Hamlet, Sweet      projects with BEHIND the BAG!
     Lorraine and Hard Sell, Clark holds an   Productions, where he  is co-creator
     MFA from UMKC and a Bachelor of     and illustrator of The Kinetix, a comic
     Science from Northwestern University.   book series featuring high school
     Laura Ekstrand (see above)          superheroes whose powers derive from
                 Noreen Farley has done   their respective disabilities, which
                 a number of shows as a   recently reached full funding on
                 member of Vivid Stage’s   Kickstarter. Dave is thrilled to be back
                 ensemble (most recently,   and working with his dear friends at
                 Portrait of the Widow   Vivid Stage.
                 Kinsky) as well as                  Scott McGowan is
                 improvisation. She has              originally from
                 also appeared at Two                Pennsylvania but has
                 River Theatre, The                  lived in New Jersey and
     Shakespeare Theatre of NJ, The                  has been a member of
     Bickford, Alliance Rep, The Theater             Vivid Stage for 15 years.
     Project, What Exit?, and The Women’s            While raising a family, he
     Theatre. Noreen Farley has been seen at         has worked steadily
     Vivid Stage in Dead and Buried, The             garnering two NJ Tony
     Language Archive, The Neighborhood,   Awards for Best Actor in a Musical
     Blood: A Comedy and many more. As a  awarded by the Newark Star Ledger for
     member of the ensemble she has also   Mack & Mabel and I Do!, I Do!. He was
     performed in the improv troupe The Flip  awarded Best Supporting Actor in a
     Side, A Very Special Holiday Special,   Musical from the state of New
     and the gala cabarets. Other shows in   Hampshire in two separate years as
     the area include The Last Romance   well, for the Engineer in Miss Saigon
     (Bickford); 100 Saints You Should Know  and Juan Peron in Evita. Scott stage
     and The Champagne Charlie Stakes    managed the opening two productions
     (Alliance Rep); and Why Torture Is   of the current Vivid season and just
     Wrong And Those Who Love Them,      finished a run as an actor in Steve
     Road To Mecca, and Three Tall Women   Martin’s Meteor Shower at Centenary
     (The Theater Project). At What Exit?   Stage. A proud member of Actors’
     Noreen has done The Lying Kind and   Equity Association where he spent
     two turns as the villain in their   sixteen years on their governing body
     Christmas pantos. Other credits include  and was a Tony voter. Scott is also an
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