Page 19 - DRT 2023 July
P. 19

Many THANKS to our 2022-23 Season Supporters

                        We couldn’t do it without you!

             Producer         Lynn and Clark Carmichael  Ronald Wells
     New Jersey Arts and Culture   Brian & Debora Clifford   Paul Whelihan
     Renewal Fund             Kenneth Cobb            James Whithed
     New Jersey State Council on  Terence and Annette Dwyer     Fan
     the Arts                 Ruth Fost
     Provident Bank           Gary Glor and Mark Spina   Susan Brown-Peitz
     Lilian P. Schenck Fund    Joyce Hodgson Post     Barbara Bye
     Summit Foundation        Karen Oesterle          Marta Carbone
                                                      Dobama Theatre
            Benefactor        Lynne Rogerson          Margaret Fogel
                              Melanie and Scott Wilson
     Michael Choy                                     Rosemary Frisino Toohey
     Virginia Johnston                Friend          Fidel Garcia
     Betsy True and Daniel    Paola Acosta            Jeanne Graulich
     Bloomfield               Jonathan Citron         Maureen and Howard
     Union County Office of   Robert Clyman           Greenbaum
     Cultural and Heritage Affairs
                              Richard Dresser         Jill Harris
            Sustainer         Noreen Farley           Linda Kimler
     Laura Ekstrand and Joe   Hugh Farley             Marianne Lloyd
     Zawila                   Alisa Gallo             Janet and Carl Maulbeck
     Impact100 Garden State    Nancy Gorman and Jeff   Valerie Maulbeck
     Janice Sovinee           Kaufman                 Connie McNamara
     Union Foundation         Cynthia and Bill Kellogg   Lisa Nicholais Miller
                              Susanne Kucsma          Bruce Nigro
                              Peter and Ginny Maulbeck   Heather and Larry Pistell
     Diane and Vito Gallo     John McEwen             Geraldine Roatti
     Mary and Will Leland     Steve Mershon           Rhoda Roper
     Pamela Zave and Yolanda   Keith Miller and Steve   Catherine Smith
     Fundora                  McIntyre                Douglas Stephens
             Builder          Josephine Potuto        Susan Trangucci
     Jill and David Bernstein   Patty Robinson        Rosemary Frisino Toohey
     Lisa and Rich Brown      Robert Rosenzweig       David Umbach
     Bruce Dalziel            Lori Schuldiner Schor   Mary Jane Walsh
     Betsy Haveson            Mary Schroeder          Allison White
     Frank and Cathy Hawrusik   Richard Schwarz       Marc Wiener
     Investors Foundation     Kathryn Tatlow
                              William Thar              We greatly appreciate
            Supporter         Roger and Jessie            your generosity!

     Patricia Amyx            Vellekamp                 To donate or volunteer
     Anonymous                William and Barbara Von   please call 908-514-9654
     Anne Blazejak            Klemperer                       or visit:
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