Page 13 - DRT 2021 Summer
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Jason Szamreta is a Social Change from NYU and dual
proud company member undergraduate degrees in Dramatic Arts
with Dreamcatcher Rep, and Performance Studies from UNC-
where some of his credits Chapel Hill. As a director, he has
include Next Fall, The directed for Lean Ensemble Theatre
Neighborhood, Most (Hilton Head, SC), Passage Theatre
Deserving, and Sister (Trenton, NJ), Bernards High School
Play. He also co-wrote the (Bernardsville, NJ), The Egg (Albany,
NY), National Black Theatre/Harlem9
play What Stays with (Harlem, NY), Hillcrest High School
Laura Ekstrand, which was produced (Queens, NY), LaGuardia Community
during the 17-18 season. Jason enjoys College (Queens, NY), Marymount
collaborating on new play development, Manhattan College (New York City), The
has participated in the Play Gym at Potomac Project (New York City). As an
Luna Stage, and is excited when our actor, he has performed for such
local professional theaters develop and companies as Lean Ensemble Theatre
produce works by our talented NJ (Hilton Head, SC) Triad Stage
playwrights. (Greensboro, NC), The Old Vic (London,
UK), Playmaker's Rep (Chapel Hill, NC),
Born and bred in NYC, Illinois Shakespeare Festival, WAM
Eddie Guttman Theatre (Lenox, MA), and TADA!
(Pianist) has been music Theatre (New York). He has been on
directing in the theater the small and big screen. As a writer,
for over 30 years. These he has written three solo shows, Are
productions include: The We Not Men?, baba: a black boy’s cry,
Book of Merman (Ethel and Homegrown. He is currently at
Merman’s biography, work on his first full length play
starring Tony Award centered suicide/depression and mental
Nominees Carolee Carmelo and Max health in Black and Latin communities
Von Essen, and Emmy Award Winner in New Jersey with Passage Theatre
Penny Fuller), the BEAT Gala Company. Learn more about marcus at
honoring Jimmy Smits (featuring
Tony Award Winner Billy Porter, Eden Mark Spina (Director) is forced to work
Espinosa and Kimiko Glenn), The in the theater to support his teaching
Irish Rep’s Off Broadway productions habit, having wisely chosen two
of Peg Of My Heart and A Celtic remarkably unremunerative career
Christmas, as well as Montclair State paths. He began his teaching career at
University’s most recent production the Paterson Adult Learning Center, an
of Best Little Whorehouse in Texas. award-winning alternative high school
Eddie also served as Associate and job training/placement center,
Conductor of the Broadway-aimed where he was mentored by stellar
workshop of Sugar Babies (starring educators Irene Frankl, Joy Noren,
Tony Award Nominees Michael Ralph Colognori, Ann Custer, Doug
McGrath and Beth Leavel). Pillsbury, Sharon Jones Rudolph and Liz
Additionally, he performed at Lincoln Steinberg, who let him sing show tunes
Center, where he served as pianist every morning to warm up for teaching.
for The Meet The Artist Series for The Association for Life Long Learning
over a decade. A recent transplant to named him Teacher of the Year in xxxx
Summit, Eddie is on the piano and (redacted) for his work using video and
voice faculty at Elefante Music in New role-play in training non-native
Providence and Bright Stars Music employees in hospital settings. A
Studio in Millburn. He also teaches graduate of Connecticut College and the
piano and voice privately in Eugene O’Neill Center’s National
Manhattan as well as at his studio Theater Institute, and founding artistic
here in Summit. director of The Theater Project, Mark
marcus harvey (director) is a NYC has been honored with three “Best
area based award-winning actor, Director” citations by The Star-Ledger.
director, writer, and educator holding He enjoys working with new
his MFA in Acting from Brooklyn playwrights to develop original scripts
College, MA in Dramatic Writing for and welcomes submissions to The