Page 14 - DRT 2021 Summer
P. 14
Theater Project’s Playwrights composed the music with his musical
Workshop. Mark is keenly aware that collaborator Matthew Dean Marsh. For
teaching taught him how to direct, and We’re Only Alive for A Short Amount of
theater taught him how to teach. Time, Cale and Marsh received a 2019 Jeff Award and a 2020 Lucille Lortel
Award nomination, and Cale was the
~ Playwrights ~ recipient of a 2020 Drama Desk Award
nomination, a 2020 Outer Critics Circle
Ian August is a NJ based playwright Award and a 2020 Obie Award.
and lyricist, whose works have been
performed across the U.S., as well as in David Hansen has participated in
Canada, Australia, the UK, South Korea Cleveland’s theater renaissance as the
and Bermuda. His plays have been founder of Guerrilla Theater Company
developed at the Powerhouse Theatre and artistic director for Dobama’s Night
Festival (Vassar / New York Stage and Kitchen and Bad Epitaph Theater
Film), the Great Plains Theatre Company, as well as an actor and
Conference, Ashland New Plays director at theaters across Northeast
Festival, Red Mountain Theatre Ohio. His award-winning work on
Company, Orlando Shakespeare stillbirth, I Hate This (a play without the
Theatre, New Jersey Repertory baby), has been produced across the
Company, Wordsmyth Theatre nation and internationally. His
Company, the Garry Marshall Theatre, published plays can be found at
UC Davis Dept. of Theatre and Dance, Playscripts, YouthPLAYS and on
the Philadelphia Artists Collective, the Amazon. David is Education Outreach
Williamstown Theatre Festival, the NY, Associate for Great Lakes Theater and a
Philly, and Edinburgh Fringe Festivals, member of the Dramatists Guild of
and elsewhere. Mr. August is a founding America. He lives in Cleveland Heights,
member of the Princeton-based City of Great Writers. http://
playwright collective, The Witherspoon
Circle, and a graduated member of
PlayPenn’s playwriting lab, The Dael Orlandersmith (Playwright and
Foundry. Several of his short plays Performer) first performed Stoop
have been published by Sam French Stories in 2008 at The Public Theater’s
Inc., Smith and Kraus Publishing, the Under the Radar Festival and Apollo
One-Act Play Depot, and Pipeline / Theater’s Salon Series; Washington,
Applause Books. He was a 2019 D.C.’s Studio Theatre produced its
Playwright in Residence at the William world premiere in 2009. Her play
Inge Center for the Arts in Monster premiered at New York Theatre
Independence, Kansas, and graduate of Workshop in 1996. The Gimmick,
Goddard College’s Creative Writing MFA commissioned by McCarter Theatre,
Program. He teaches Playwriting at premiered in their Second Stage
Stockton University in Stockton, NJ. OnStage series in 1998 and went on to Long Wharf Theatre and New York
David Cale’s solo play, Harry Clarke, Theatre Workshop. Orlandersmith won
starring Billy Crudup, and directed by the Susan Smith Blackburn Prize for
Leigh Silverman, transferred to the The Gimmick in 1999. Yellowman was
Minetta Lane Theatre in a run produced commissioned by and premiered at
and recorded by Audible (2018 Lucille McCarter Theatre in a co-production
Lortel Award). Cale’s works as both with The Wilma Theater and Long
writer and performer include The Wharf Theatre. Orlandersmith was a
History of Kisses, Palomino, A Likely Pulitzer Prize finalist and Drama Desk
Story, Lillian (Obie Award), Deep in a Award nominee for Outstanding Play
Dream of You (Bessie Award), Smooch
Music and The Redthroats (Bessie and Outstanding Actress in a Play for
Award). He wrote the book, lyrics, co- Yellowman in 2002. The Blue Album, in
composed the music and starred in the collaboration with David Cale,
musical Floyd and Clea Under the premiered at Long Wharf Theatre in
Western Sky (Outer Critics Circle Award 2007. Bones was commissioned by the
nomination). His most recent work is Mark Taper Forum, where it premiered
his solo musical memoir We’re Only in 2010. She wrote and performed the
Alive for A Short Amount of Time, for solo memoir play Forever at the Kirk
which he wrote the book, lyrics and co- Douglas Theatre, the Long Wharf, New