Page 9 - DRT 2021 Summer
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Who’s Who
Nicole Callender was Works, The Acting Company, Red Bull
most recently seen on Theatre, Two River Theatre Company,
the Dreamcatcher stage KC Rep, NY Fringe Festival,
as Patty in Be Here Now. Williamstown Theatre Festival, Merry-
She previously appeared Go-Round Playhouse, Great Lakes
in the DRT production of Theatre Festival, Kentucky Shakespeare
What Stays, in which she Festival, NJ Rep, Mill Mountain Theatre,
thoroughly enjoyed Hope Summer Rep, Hudson Valley
playing Karen. She had Shakespeare Festival, and the
her directorial debut here at Shakespeare Theatre in Washington
Dreamcatcher directing The Sister Play. D.C. Television credits: Pat Carney in
Prior to that she was seen in The Politician, Harold on Living With
Shipwrecked! An Entertainment. The Yourself, Little America, The Plot
Amazing Adventures of Louis Against America, Pose, Blacklist,
DeRougemont. (As told by Himself). Connor Riley on Gotham, Forever, Dean
Rapture Blister Burn, The Language Masters on House of Cards, Law &
Archive, and Motherhood Out Loud, to Order, Kidnapped, As the World Turns,
name a few. Nicole is also a stunt- Unforgettable, and Boardwalk Empire.
woman . Most recently Nicole has had Film credits: Martin in Audrey, Ref Chris
guest starring roles on The Blacklist, in Inside Game, The Irishman, The God
Blue Bloods, and Gotham. She recently Committee, The Kindergarten Teacher,
doubled Janelle Monet in Harriet and Campbell Scott’s Hamlet, Sweet
Marianne Jean Baptiste for a car crash Lorraine and Hard Sell. Clark holds an
on Blindspot. She also worked on the MFA from the University of Missouri-
feature films American Son, NOS4A2, Kansas City and BS from Northwestern
Bad Education, BOSCO, The Joker, The University.
Avengers, Rough Night and Purge 3,
doubling Betty Gabriel. Nicole also Harry Patrick Christian
doubled two of the women on the is a long-time
Amazon TV show Mad Dogs. Other Dreamcatcher Rep
recent credits include ND driving for Company member and
Ghostbusters, doubling Regina King on has acted in many of
The Leftovers, as well as working for their most beloved
Ava DuVernay on For Justice, to name a productions including
few. Most recently, Nicole has ventured Baby, The Mystery Of
into the exciting, brand new field of Irma Vep, Fuddy Meers,
Intimacy Coordinating for Film and TV This, Pride’s Crossing, Shipwrecked
where she advocates for actors in hyper and, most recently, Psychodrama. He
sensitive scenes, helps movement has performed here in many improv
coach the actors and is a part of the shows and cabarets and directed Be
creative team where she helps keep Here Now and Motherhood: Out Loud.
everyone safe. Harry began his theatrical career acting
as Huckleberry Finn at Atlanta's
Clark Scott Carmichael Peachtree Playhouse and he’s
is a Dreamcatcher performed Off B'way in NYC and at
company member, last many of NJ’s best professional theaters.
seen in Every Brilliant He has toured around the US and
Thing and last directed Europe with the Pushcart Players and
String Around My Finger. he is also a member of The Theater
Most recently, he played Project. In 2010, Harry received the NJ
Bob Cratchit in A Theater Alliance Applause Award for his
Christmas Carol and the artistry and dedication to acting at
Duke of Buckingham in The Three Dreamcatcher Rep and he received
Musketeers at the Shakespeare Theatre another NJTA Award in 2018 for his
of NJ. He was a Jumper on Broadway in theater arts education work at Pushcart
Tom Stoppard’s, Jumpers. Regional/Off- Players. He's a long-time director at
Broadway credits: Repertory Theatre of Essex Youth Theater in Montclair and at
St. Louis, Irish Rep, Hartford Theatre