Page 13 - DRT 2023 April
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Hampshire in two separate years as theatres. Some of Bryan's favorite
well, for the Engineer in Miss Saigon and productions from Vivid Stage have
Juan Peron in Evita. Scott stage been Twirl and Life's Work. He's happy
managed the opening two productions for the opportunity to grow alongside
of the current Vivid season and just fellow artists he's come to know and
finished a run as an actor in Steve respect. Special thanks to Zach and
Martin’s Meteor Shower at Centenary Laura for the chance to live his stage
Stage. A proud member of Actors’ crew kid's dream.
Equity Association where he spent Danielle Constance (Stage Manager)
sixteen years on their governing body is a member of Actors’ Equity and The
and was a Tony voter. Scott is also an Stage Managers’ Association. She has
extremely proud parent of Shaelyn and stage managed, directed, designed sets
Essa. Thanks to Rick and Mary who and props, danced, acted and has even
share co-parenting duties. sung with a rock band! Dani has
Harry Patrick Christian (Stage worked with Vivid Stage, Centenary
Manager) has acted in many plays here Stage Company, Writers Theatre of NJ,
at beloved Vivid Stage including This, Luna Stage, The Bickford , Passage
The Mystery of Irma Vep, Shipwrecked, Theatre, The Growing Stage, The
Fuddy Meers, Water in My Hands, Shakespeare Theatre of NJ, The NJ
Psychodrama, Pride’s Crossing, and he Governors’ School, NJ Rep, Shadowland
also directed the plays Motherhood Out Stages, The Sheen Center for Thought
Loud and Be Here Now. In other Vivid & Culture, American Theater Group.
show performances, Harry has been Dani is very grateful to be married to
seen stranded at the airport in the hit actor/director/playwright, John
romantic show, Shooting Star, and over Pietrowski.
the years he has portrayed a 9-year old
boy with ADHD, a mnemonist, a Amy Hadam (Stage Manager) is
firefighter, a fertility doctor, a singing always so thrilled to be back with Vivid
college track coach, an Irish cook, a Stage! This is her tenth season and her
bisexual green-skinned alien, a one- in-person credits begin with The
legged groundskeeper, a tortured lady- Language Archive through last year's
of-the-manor, and a schizo with a sock Twirl and Life's Work. Amy was
puppet. Harry is also a proud member delighted to be the "Screen Manager"
of the Pushcart Players and The Theater for several of Vivid Stage's virtual
programs such as Holiday Bites,
Project where he recently directed A Everything is Super Great, the annual
Jersey Cantata and acted in 5 Lesbians
Eating A Quiche. Harry has performed in Gala as well as several readings and
several original off-Broadway cabarets. Amy has also been the
productions in NYC, national and Production Stage Manager and
international touring shows, TV, radio, Production Manager for Cape May
and at many of NJ’s best professional Stage since 2016. Other credits
theaters. Harry also directed Driving include: Jekyll & Hyde and Spamalot at
Miss Daisy at The Summit Playhouse Surflight Theatre, A Piece of My Heart
and is a long-time director at Arizona’s and Janey Miller's World Tour at
Del E. Webb Center and conducts Speranza Theatre Company, Miss
Witherspoon and The Further
workshops with the Passaic Police Dept
Youth Services. Adventures of Hedda Gabler at The
Theater Project, and Talking to
Bryan Clarendon is a graphic designer Westfield and At Liberty Hall at
by trade with a soft spot for theatre. Premiere Stages. Amy is a proud
He's excited to be working with the member of Actors' Equity Association.
Vivid Stage family as technical director
for the first time! He received his BFA in Jeff Knapp (Sound Designer) is has
graphic design from Maryland Institute been associated with Vivid Stage since
College of Art in Baltimore, MD. Bryan The Neighborhood, working on most
has always been a wearer of many hats, every mainstage production since.
experienced in everything branding and Favorite Vivid Stage designs include
motion design to printmaking, The Other Place, 100 Years, The
sculpture, and theatre work. When he's Outgoing Tide, Shipwrecked, Dead and
not designing, he's working as a lighting Buried, and Every Brilliant Thing. Jeff is
electrician and set assistant for Vivid also the resident sound designer for
Stage as well as other local NJ and NYC Shadowland Stages in Ellenville NY.