Page 14 - DRT 2023 April
P. 14

He's worked at a bunch of small       Love’s Labour’s Lost (PSM), Hamlet
      theatres in the tri-state area and as far   (ASM), and A Midsummer Night’s
      south as Florida! Most recently, Jeff has   Dream (ASM) at Scranton Shakespeare
      designed multimedia and sound for     Festival, and Season X of the National
      Shotstakovich and The Black Monk.     Music Festival (ASM/Kazoo).
      During the day, Jeff is owner of Jephens
      Technologies, a small IT managed      Joshua Schnetzer (Director) is a
      service provider, focusing on non-profits   director, choreographer and educator.
      and small businesses. He thanks his   He directed and choreographed the
      wife and kids for letting him miss dinner   world premiere productions of The Kite
      while he's out making noise and telling   and Bashirah and the Great Bean Pie at
      stories.                              the Please Touch Museum in
                                            Philadelphia and Flash, Float, Fall at the
      Griffin O’Connor (Asst. Stage         New Jersey Fringe Festival. Off-
      Manager) is a Junior at Montclair State   Broadway Joshua served as director of
      University studying theatre. Previously,   Audible’s Path to Pride (starring Lance
      Griffin has worked on Only            Bass) at the Minnetta Lane Theater. He
      Human (asm) at Vivid Stage; Love’s    choreographed and taught dance for
      Labour’s Lost(asm) and Heathers: The   Paper Mill Playhouse’s pre-professional
      Musical High School Edition (asm/co-  Summer Conservatory and award-
      fight director) at Scranton Shakespeare   winning Broadway Show Choir. At
      Festival; Black Snow(asm), Curious    McCarter Theatre Center, Joshua
      Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime  partners with the Education department
      (asm), and RENT (asm) at Montclair    to develop and teach classes in
      State University. He would like to thank   Shakespeare, playwriting, scene study,
      the wonderful Vivid team for inviting   and musical theater. He is a proud
      him back to help tell this story. He   alumnus of Kean University’s Theatre
      would also like to thank his friends and   Conservatory. Find out more at
      family for always supporting him and his
      complicated schedule.                 Betsy True (Director) has had a
      Zach Pizza (Set and Lighting Designer)   diverse career in the theatre as an
      is always excited to be working with the   award-winning director, writer and
      Vivid Stage family! This is Zach’s 9th   actor that has spanned over 35 years.
      season here as resident LD and 7th    She has directed and helped develop
      double bill doing lights and set. Recent   numerous plays in NYC, NJ and LA,
      productions include: Fat Kid Rules the   many of which were new works. She is
      World (Davis, CA), Camp Morning Wood   delighted to be back with Vivid Stage
      (Playwrights Horizon), Jason Robert   after directing Life’s Work, ZOOM
      Brown in concert feat. Stephen        productions of Everything Is Super
      Sondheim (Town Hall, NYC), Big Bang   Great and A Certain Age as well as The
      Theory Parody Musical (Theater Center),   Lucky Ones, What Stays and
      Stage Life, (Theater Row), On the Head   Psychodrama at the Oakes Center. She
      of a Pin (59E59). Regional Credits:   has directed pieces that have been
      Sharon Playhouse-CT, Little Theater on   performed at the New Jersey
      the Square-IL, Whyte Hall-NY, Cape    Performing Arts Center, HERE Arts
      May Stage-NJ, Hudson Theater Works-   Center, Alliance Rep, Manhattan Rep,
      NJ. Staff Designer - SubCulture NYC,   Downtown Urban Arts Festival, Hudson
      monthly Jason Robert Brown concerts.   Guild, The Secret Theatre, The Chain
      Purchase College Alumn.               Theatre, The Midtown International             Theatre Festival, Strawberry Festival,
                                            The Whitefire Theatre, The Barrow
      Miranda Sage Rhode (Asst. Stage       Group, Fresh Produce’d LA and The
      Manager) is thrilled to be returning to   Bendheim Performing Arts Center,
      Vivid Stage! She is a northern NJ based   among others. As an actor she has
      stage manager and recent graduate     performed on Broadway, off-Broadway,
      from Montclair State University. Recent   in National Tours and in numerous
      theatre credits include Ye Bear & Ye   regional theatres across the country.
      Cubb (PSM) at 59E59, Clue and Cabaret   Her passion is developing new works
      (ASM) at Bristol Riverside Theatre, Soft   with kids of all ages and sharing the joy
      Animals (ASM) at Vivid Stage, Heathers:   of creating with those who feel they
      the Musical High School Edition (PSM),   don’t have a voice in the world.
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