Page 15 - DRT 2023 April
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~ Playwrights ~ moved to Broadway where both she
David Cale is a monologist, playwright, and Jayne Houdyshell received Tony
nominations for their performances. 2.5
songwriter and actor. He is the writer
and performer of solo works including Minute Ride, which had its New York
the Obie Award-winning Lillian, The premiere at the Public Theater,
History of Kisses, Palomino, A Likely received OBIE, L.A. Drama-Logue, New
Story, Deep in a Dream of You (Bessie York Press, and GLAAD Media Awards,
Award), Smooch Music and The and continues to be performed by Lisa
Redthroats (Bessie Award). He and others all over the world; 101
collaborated with Dael Orlandersmith on Humiliating Stories, which received a
the duet show The Blue Album. He Drama Desk nomination for its PS122
wrote the book and lyrics, co-composed premiere and was a part of Lincoln
the music and starred in the musical Center’s 1993 “Serious Fun!”
Floyd and Clea Under the Western Sky performance series. Lisa is a founding
(Outer Critics Circle Award Nomination). member of the legendary OBIE and
His songs have been sung by many Bessie Award-winning collaborative
artists including Elvis Costello and theater company The Five Lesbian
Debbie Harry. He has acted in plays on Brothers whose plays, Oedipus at Palm
and off-Broadway, most recently in Stew Springs, Brave Smiles, Brides of the
and Heidi Rodewald’s The Total Bent, Moon and The Secretaries have all been
and in films including The Slaughter produced by their theatrical home, New
Rule and Light From Light. Cale’s recent York Theater Workshop, and have been
works include the solo play Harry performed widely throughout the
Clarke, starring Billy Crudup, for which country both by the Brothers and by
he received a 2018 Lucille Lortel Award. other companies. Their plays are
His solo musical memoir We’re Only published by T.C.G. in the anthology,
Alive for A Short Amount of Time, for “Five Lesbian Brothers/Four Plays” and
which he wrote the book and lyrics and also by Samuel French. Lisa has
co-composed the music with Matthew received playwriting fellowships from
Dean Marsh, received a 2019 Jeff the Lortel and Guggenheim
Award, was listed in The New York Foundations, Sundance Theater Lab,
Times Best Theatre of 2019 and was the the Lark Play Development Center, and
recipient of a 2020 Drama Desk Award the MacDowell Colony, the Cal Arts/
Nomination, a 2020 Lucille Lortel Award Alpert Award, a Helen Merrill Award,
Nomination, a 2020 Outer Critics Circle and grants from the Creative Capital
Award and a 2020 Obie Award. Foundation and New York Foundation
for the Arts. She was a resident
Lisa Kron has been writing and playwright at the American Voices New
performing theater since coming to New Play Initiative at Arena Stage. Lisa is a
York from Michigan in 1984. Her work member of Actors Equity and serves on
has been widely produced in New York, the Council of the Dramatists Guild of
regionally, and internationally. Her plays America.
include the musical Fun Home, a
musical written with composer Jeanine Celeste (formerly James) Lecesne
Tesori and based on the graphic novel wrote the short film Trevor which won
by Alison Bechdel; The Ver**zon Play, an Academy Award for Best Live Action
which premiered 2012 Humana Festival; Short and he is co-founder of The
In The Wake which received Lortel and Trevor Project, the only nationwide
GLAAD Media Award nominations, was a suicide prevention and crisis
finalist for the Susan Smith Blackburn intervention Lifeline for LGBTQ+ and
Prize, named a “Best Play of 2010” by Questioning youth. He has written
TimeOut and Backstage, and was three novels for young adults, and
included in the Best Plays Theater created The Letter Q, a collection of
Yearbook 2010-2011; Well, which letters by queer writers written to their
premiered at the Public Theater, was younger selves. He served as the
named a “Best Play of 2004” by the New executive producer of the feature
York Times, the Associated Press, the length documentary film After the
Newark Star Ledger, Backstage, and the Storm, which follows the lives of ten
Advocate, included in the Best Plays young people in the wake of Hurricane
Theater Yearbook of 2003-2004, and Katrina, and he created the stage play
The Road Home: Stories of Children of