Page 37 - January2019Spectrum_Neat
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                           Tips to Simplify Next

                                     Year’s Tax File

            Organized files are only half the battle when it comes to preparing   see meals, fuel, vehicle maintenance, software/apps purchases, and
            your taxes every year. Here are some tips you can put into action   computer maintenance, just to name a few.
            throughout the year to make next year’s tax data collection simple.  If you work from home, you can deduct a percentage of your living
                                                               costs so keep track of your water, heat, hydro, and rent. The costs
            Stay on top of bookkeeping.                        have to apply to the workspace specifically, so if you fixed the
            If you have a bookkeeper or a financial  team then bookkeeping   ceiling in the kitchen but your workspace is in the guest bedroom
            is their top priority, but it’s still recommended that you meet with   you can’t claim any part of the maintenance cost.
            the team regularly to ensure they have everything they need, and
            taken care of. If you’re a small business owner or contractor, tasks  Keep last year’s tax file handy.
            aside from paying bills and sending invoices may get put off, “until   Not only will  it  make  finding  your Notice  of  Assessment a  lot
            we have a lull.” You don’t want a lull, so it’s best to plan your   easier – you need some of the information from that, particularly
            bookkeeping strategy to perform smoothly around busy times.  if you work as freelance or sole proprietorship – but it’s a thorough
                                                               reminder of the documentation you need to provide again.
            Keep track of your kilometers regularly.
            At least monthly, but weekly is better. Maybe the last thing you do  Hire an accountant.
            every Friday is tally up your kilometres and sip one more coffee   While you only have to focus on your tax file once a year, Szczepski,
            before you head out into rush hour. This will make the task much   Racolta, Jensen & Co. LLP focus on it every day and can provide
            easier, particularly if your meetings are spread out across Ontario.   you with a complete list of deductions and credits, as well as help
            Trust us, your administrator doesn’t have time to go back through   you avoid penalties. We’re also up-to-date on changes to the federal
            your calendar tallying up the distance traveled to a year’s worth of   and provincial tax programs. View our offered services then visit
            meetings, and neither do you.                      our office at 485 Pinebush Road, Suite 304 in Cambridge, Ontario
                                                               or call (519) 622-1485 to book an appointment.
            File receipts as you get them.
            Rather than tossing your receipts into a box,
            or filing them alphabetically, file according
            to the Chart of Accounts. Business expenses                        Lucci Racolta is a Chartered Accountant,
            have differing percentages  assigned when                          Licensed Public Accountant and Partner at
            it comes to taxes. For example you may be                          Szczepski, Racolta, Jensen & Co. LLP. He
            able to deduct 50% of your meals but 100%                          draws on his experience to deliver public
            parking fees from your gross income. This is                       accounting services in assurance, tax and
            a highly generalized  example,  and there are                      business advisory to small businesses and
            conditions put on every aspect of the Chart                        non-profits, with a focus on excellent client
            of  Accounts  so these  expenses  have  to  be                     service.
            entered separately anyway. Your bookkeeping
            software will have an itemized list ready for
            you, but as a sneak peek you can expect to

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