Page 39 - January2019Spectrum_Neat
P. 39

Marketing Expert

       What would a cashless

       society look like, and why

       would you want to do it?

       With the rise of the smartphone, it has become more and  Some technological advancements would not be out of place
       more common in many countries to not only pay by credit or  in a futuristic film: as many as 4000 Swedish residents have
       debit card, but by using the “tap” function. This function on  even implanted a microchip into their hand that allows them
       smartphones allows the user to pay for items and services  to scan into buildings, log into computers, and load financial
       by waving their phone in close proximity to the checkout  information to purchase various goods with a sweep of the
       machine.                                                hand. Eventually, even taking out one’s phone from one’s
                                                               pocket may be a relic of the past.
       In Sweden, half the nation’s retailers are predicting that
       they will stop accepting cash and bills before 2025. While the  The idea of a cashless society is also advancing quickly in
       central bank is trying out a digital currency                        Canada. Running a cashless business is an
       called the e-krona, financial authorities have                       attractive option for small  business owners;
       asked banks to continue keeping bills and                            it could streamline dealings with a supplier
       coins in circulation until experts can better                        or bank, and make day to day transactions
       determine what a cash-free society would                             more efficient since employees won’t have
       mean for money supply, and security of one’s                         to spend time counting and sorting tender. It
       accounts in the event of hackers or electrical                       could also eliminate thefts by employees or
       failures. While using a card instead of cash                         criminals. This has already been implemented
       is undoubtedly more convenient than rifling                          amongst large fast food chains, where
       through one’s wallet in the checkout line,                          someone can pre-order their food through an
       such quick changes may put those who are unfamiliar with  app or electronic kiosk inside the restaurant. After ordering,
       the country’s technology (such as seniors and immigrants)  the customer can simply walk up to the counter and collect
       at a disadvantage.                                      their food. This process has even been streamlined further
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