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      through services that deliver the food, eliminating the need  more attractive in light of the mail strikes in recent years. A
      to even leave one’s home.                                cashless system would instantly eliminate any problems or
                                                               concerns about receiving payment on time to pay one’s bills.
      While running businesses and paying for services without
      using cash seems fairly common, there are laws in Canada  Although Sweden is facing a potential crisis due to the sheer
      that still require businesses to accept cash as tender. This  speed at which their cashless society is advancing, there is
      means that if someone wants to pay with legal Canadian  ample opportunity in Canada to implement the same ideas at
      tender, they are allowed to under these payment laws and  a more cautious pace. Implementing a cashless environment
      the business cannot legally deny them the ability to pay  into one’s business involves several key questions: What new
      with cash. If Canada migrates to contract law, this will allow  technology will be required to ‘upgrade’ one’s business to
      businesses to force the customer to do what the business  cashless? Will the business not only take payments through
      requires. This is why Sweden is moving at an astronomical  credit card, but also through smart payments where people
      speed towards a cashless society; their contract law  can pay with a phone or other device? Is one’s business
      mandates that businesses can operate on a cashless basis  capable of managing payments directly through a merchant
      and customers no longer have the ability to pay with cash  system? Will the business be able to manage the increased
      legally.                                                 traffic of online shopping? How will the business keep their
                                                               website, and therefore their online transactions secure?
      If Canada were to become a cashless society, there would
      be many challenges and changes to how money is viewed,  Ensuring a smooth transition to a cashless operation involves
      treated, and recorded by the government. For example, all  communication with one’s web developer or website hosting
      electronic transactions are recorded, therefore one would  manager to discuss these changes. Once these changes
      no longer be able to manipulate one’s income  through cash  are made, it will also be vital to update customers about
      transactions. The way that governments, banks, and the CRA  these changes and instruct them on how to make payments.
      would communicate about money would also change, since  Change does not have to be a negative experience, as long as
      certain institutions would now have more or less control  the business, and the customer, have both been adequately
      over monetary transactions. With the elimination of coins,  prepared. Sweden has already implemented many changes
      the Royal Canadian Mint would also cease to exist. Rather  at a lightning pace, and are set to become cashless within
      than printing more money or creating more currency, citizens  the next few years. It may not be too far-fetched to imagine
      would have to rely upon their banking institutions to lend  that eventually Canada might follow in their footsteps to
      and provide the financial means. This could potentially  become a futuristic and cashless society as well.
      give banking institutions even greater economic power,
      potentially greater than the Canadian government.        Adam Oldfield, is the President of CityHosting, FPM Marketing,
                                                               FPM3 a full service online agency located in Hamilton Ontario,
      On  a  smaller  scale,  a  cashless  society  would  also  impact  New York, Philadelphia and New Jersey.  The creator and
      consumers’ lives through online and physical shopping.  proprietary owner of the Mingle and developer of HR software
      Since merchants use different ways of processing electronic  for SME.   Adam teaches marketing and sales  at Mohawk
      payments, prices and rates for goods could vary greatly  College and is the co-owner of MTS collections services,
      depending on what system they use. For example, a store  uBowl Canada and Thunder Alley a Family Entertainment
      that uses a bank to process their payments would be able  Centre in Hamilton.
      to charge lower prices due to lower fees. However, a smaller
      vendor who uses an online system such as Square will need
      to offset 4% in fees off of every transaction.

      Although there are negative aspects to a cashless society,
      there are also clear benefits. Businesses can advance the way
      they accept payments, and in doing so, keep up with younger
      generations of consumers who are used to having easy and
      simple means of payment (sometimes literally) at their
      fingertips. A cashless system would also eliminate the need
      to wait for physical paychecks; a possibility that has become

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