Page 26 - Business DirectoryR_2024
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           Elementary and Secondary

                          Schools                                        Colleges & Universities

       Mon Avenir Conseil Scolaire Catholique                                                  Conestoga College
       Conseil scolaire catholique MonAvenir is a Roman Catholic
       French  first  language  public-separate  school  board  that   Located just outside of the City boundaries in Kitchener,
       manages elementary and secondary schools in the Greater   Conestoga  College,  a  10-kilometre  drive  from  downtown
       Golden Horseshoe, including Waterloo Region. The school   Cambridge,  is  considered  one  of  Canada’s  premier
       board  operates  46  elementary  schools,  11  secondary   polytechnic  institutes.  It  offers  a  variety  of  different
       schools, and two combined institutions within that area.   programs including full-time, part-time and apprenticeship
       The  board’s  Saint-Noel-Chabanel  and  Pere-Rene-de-    programs at eight campuses, as well as its Skilled Trades
       Galinee schools are in Cambridge.                        Campus on Rueter Drive in Cambridge.

                                                                                              Heritage College &
       Waterloo Region District School Board                                                             Seminary
       Waterloo Region District School Board is the public school
       board for the Region of Waterloo and serves approximately   Heritage College & Seminary in Cambridge is committed to
       65,700 students in 122 schools and provides employment   delivering excellence in Christian Higher Education through
       for approximately 6,800 full and part-time staff (including   its innovative programming, rich campus life and modern
       teachers,  educational  assistants,  support  staff,  custodial   facilities. Its Seminary Programs range from Certificates to
       staff, youth care workers, and administrators).          3-Year Master of Divinity specializations or 2-Year Master
                                                                of Theological Studies Degree. Heritage Seminary excels at
                                                                the world today.
       Waterloo Catholic District School Board
       Waterloo  Catholic  District  School  Board  (WCDSB)  is                             University of Guelph
       headquartered in Kitchener. The board serves approximately
       40,000 students in 50 schools and provides employment    University of Guelph, located 24 kilometres from Cambridge,
       for about 3,500 full and part-time staff (including teachers,   is best known for its involvement in the development of
       educational assistants, support staff, custodial staff, youth   bio-technology.  Courses  are  offered  in  the  faculties  of
       care workers, administrators, and chaplains).
                                                                Arts, Biological Science, Family and Consumer Studies and
                                                                Culture, Veterinary Medicine, Physical Science and Social

                                                                                            University of Waterloo

                                                                The  University  of  Waterloo  School  of  Architecture  is  in
                                                                downtown Cambridge, 24 kilometres away from the main
                                                                campus in Waterloo.  UW is the world’s largest co-operative
                                                                university also boasting the world’s largest enrollment in
                                                                mathematics and engineering. The university is also a world
                                                                leader in computer software design and development.

                                                                                       Wilfrid Laurier University

                                                                Wilfrid  Laurier  University  is  located  approximately  24
                                                                kilometres from Cambridge in Waterloo. WLU is best known
                                                                for  its  excellence  in  business  programs  including  post-
                                                                graduate studies. The faculties include Arts and Science,
                                                                Music,  Business  and  Economics,  Graduate  Studies  and
                                                                Social Work.

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