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A   L O C A L   B U S I N E S S   P U B L I C A T I O N   O F   T H E   C A M B R I D G E   C H A M B E R   O F   C O M M E R C E

           The Voice of Business and the only                                                       Magazine

              Cambridge business publication                                     Emotional
                                                                                 intelligence is
                                                                                 the key to more
                                                                                A   L O C A L   B U S I N E S S   P U B L I C A T I O N   O F   T H E   C A M B R I D G E   C H A M B E R   O F   C O M M E R C E
                                                                                                       a better
           In addition to keeping members and decision-                                             communicator
                                                                                                      with these
                                                                                                        4 tips
           makers abreast of issues, events, activities, and                      There is no place   The Link connecting
                                                                                  like home
           policy initiatives, our quarterly magazine Insight                  10 leadership tips to   Magazine
                                                                                                       -CEO'S Message
                                                                                  - Vanessa Stevenson
                                                                                  01 INSIDE: PROFILES | MEMBERS IN THE NEWS | NEW MEMBERS | EVENTS | BLOGS
           is an excellent business-to-business advertising                    Empowering Progress:
                                                                               manage your company
                                                                               The Rise of Women in
           medium exclusive to Chamber Members.                                Leadership
                                                                               -CEO'S Message
           •  Published 4 times per year (Jan., Apr., July, Oct)
              and distributed to Chamber Members.                                             "I believe you
                                                                                              can’t do it all"
           •  Digital copy of Insight allows you to drive traffic                               - Angela Asadoorian
                                                                                                  Royal LePage Crown Realty
              to your website and engage with your audience                   01 01 INSIDE: PROFILES | MEMBERS IN THE NEWS | NEW MEMBERS | EVENTS | BLOGS
              more effectively.
           •  Printed copy is distributed to 1,500 business                        A   L O C A L   B U S I N E S S   P U B L I C A T I O N   O F   T H E   C A M B R I D G E   C H A M B E R   O F   C O M M E R C E
              through Canada Post.                                                     Years of Impact and Infl  uence:
                                                                                         People, Places and Moments
           •  Quarterly features.                                                         in the Chamber's History

                                                                                                 5 ways entrepreneurs
                                                                                                  can become more
                                                                                Looking back    psychologically resilient
                                                                                at where we       Chamber bell tolls
                                                                                                     for us all
                                                                                began...            -CEO'S Message
                                                                               01 INSIDE: BUSINESS TIPS | MEMBERS IN THE NEWS | NEW MEMBERS | EVENTS

            Please contact Lisa for deadlines and to book your space.

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