Page 27 - Business DirectoryR_2024
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                                                              Cambridge  businesses  rely  on  the  Cambridge  Chamber  of
                                                              Commerce  Physician  Recruitment  program  to  ensure  their
                                                              employees have access to a primary care provider.  We provide
                                                              this service to the City of Cambridge and Township of North
                                                              Physician  Recruitment  is  a  core  program  for  the  Cambridge
                                                              Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber has long recognized the
                                                              need to have excellent medical care available in our community
                                                              to  attract  and  retain  businesses  in  Cambridge.  On  behalf  of
                                                              the  community,  Doctors4Cambridge  recognize  and  thank  our
                                                              medical community for their strength and dedication.
          CMH A Full Service Hospital                         The past few years, stress on our medical system has increased

                                                              substantially. As we continue our recruitment efforts, we are
        Cambridge Memorial Hospital’s roots dig deep, tracing   faced with increased competition for the physicians available,
        back  to  1888  when  it  became  the  first  hospital  to   funding challenges and concerns about the decreasing number
        open  its  doors  within  the  Region  of  Waterloo.  From   of people entering the profession.
        its  humble  beginnings  in  a  two-storey  house  with  a
        cottage  that  doubled  as  a  nursing  school,  CMH  grew   We  have  recruited  more  than  120  family  physicians  in  our
        into  a  strong,  values-based,  and  community-focused   community since our inception, which has helped in staffing
        hospital emphasizing patient and family centred care.   new  clinics,  increasing  the  number  of  physicians  at  clinics,
        Cambridge  Memorial  Hospital  (CMH)  continues  this   and replacing retiring or relocating physicians. We have also
                                                              increased our assistance to Cambridge Memorial Hospital with
        legacy  as  a  modern,  thriving  acute  care  facility  that   the recruitment of specialists.
        offers  a  full  complement  of  health-care  services
        and  is  collaborative  partner  within  the  Cambridge   Our  success  continues  to  be  dependent  on  our  community
        North  Dumfries  Ontario  Health  Team.  Together,  it  is   partners  and  sponsors.  We  have  many  businesses  and
        transforming the way care is being delivered within the   organizations in the community that have supported our efforts
        community.                                            in the past with donations of funds or in-kind services. We thank
        Its  mission  is  to  be  “an  exceptional  health-care   the City of Cambridge for its ongoing support as well as family
                                                              medicine clinics\groups, Cambridge Memorial Hospital and the
        organization  keep  people  at  the  heart  of  what  we   Academy of Medicine who are all very supportive of our efforts.
        do”  while  its  vision  inspires  to  “create  healthier
        communities, together.”  To achieve these, the hospital   We are actively seeking corporate partners so that we can
        employs more than 1,500 dedicated staff, 280 talented   increase our recruitment and retention efforts to compete with
        physicians  and  is  grateful  for  the  amazing  services   the many opportunities available to physicians across the
        provided by almost 300 volunteers.                    province.
        Beyond the high-quality care it provides, the hospital   If your company wishes to help through a donation or in-kind
        also  offers  a  world-class  breast  reconstruction   gift or service, please do not hesitate to contact us.  We are
        program, state-of-the art diagnostic imaging, same-day   also often in need of short term, furnished and unfurnished
        joint  replacement  surgery  and  Regional  Liver  Health   accommodations for medical students in town for electives and
        Centre to name a few. It continually seeks to innovate   rotations, or locum physicians here for short stays.
        while  sustaining  its  financial  health  to  ensure  acute   We  continue  our  programs  that  include  touring  potential
        care  remains  accessible  to  the  people  that  need  the   family  physicians  and  specialists  and  being  involved  with
        hospital.                                             medical schools so that we can continue to bring physicians to
        It  is  in  the  final  year  of  its  Capital  Redevelopment   Cambridge and Township of North Dumfries.
        Project,  that  includes  a  brand-new,  250,000-square-  If you or your employees need a primary care provider, please
        foot  and  a  fully  refurbished  150,000  sq.    ft.  towers,   visit
        both of which will be the most advanced patient care
        facilities in the region. Once this project is complete, it                                     Donna Gravelle
        will boast more than 200 beds and allow the hospital to                        Physician Recruitment Coordinator
        fulfill its mandate to expand its services for its growing                           donna@doctors4cambridge
        community.                                                                                 519-622-2221, ext. 2230
        To learn more, visit Cambridge Memorial Hospital.

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