Page 42 - INSIGHT MAGAZINE_July2024
P. 42


           Customer reviews a double-edged sword

                                                                                  Tips on how to handle reviews:
                                                                                  Monitor Reviews Regularly:
                                                                                  Stay  updated  with  what  customers  are
                                                                                  saying about your business by regularly
                                                                                  monitoring various review platforms such
                                                                                  as Google My Business, Yelp, TripAdvisor,
                                                                                  and social media channels.
                                                                                  Respond Promptly:
                                                                                  Address both positive and negative
                                                                                  reviews promptly. Responding promptly
      Customer reviews can serve as a       In this way, the very tool designed to   shows that you value customer feedback
      powerful tool in the contemporary     provide transparency can become a     and are proactive in resolving issues.
      marketplace, offering invaluable      breeding ground  for deception, causing   Personalize Responses:
                                            skepticism among consumers.
      insights for both consumers and                                             Personalize your responses to each review
      businesses alike.                     In Canada, those promoting fake reviews   whenever possible. Use the reviewer's
                                            could be liable under the Competition Act.
      However, while reviews can elevate a   Enforcing the Act is a key responsibility of   name,  acknowledge  their  specific
      product or service, they can also become   the Competition Bureau and any business   feedback, and express appreciation for
      a source of challenge for businesses as   making materially false or misleading   their input.
      negative comments find their way onto   claims to promote a product, service or   Acknowledge Positive Reviews:
      Google Review, TripAdvisor, Trustpilot and   business interest, could find themselves in   Thank customers for positive feedback
      Yelp as customers enveloped by social   legal hot water.                    and let them know that you appreciate
      media vent their frustrations.        Brad says there is already a certain amount   their business. This encourages repeat
      But just how businesses can utilize the   of skepticism among consumers regarding   business and loyalty.
      information from this positive or negative   online reviews noting research data shows   Address Negative Reviews Constructively:
      feedback can prove difficult when it comes   that 88% to 95% of those between the   When responding to negative reviews,
      to gauging the impact.                ages of 18 and 34 say they rely on reviews.   apologize for any negative experience
      “It’s one of those things where you can’t  However,  among them research also   the customer may have had and offer a
      ignore it. Emotionally, you can’t ignore it,  shows that 93% say they are suspicious   solution or compensation if appropriate.
      nor should you,” says Brad Davis, Associate  of Facebook reviews, while 89% says they   Avoid making excuses or blaming the
      Professor  at Wilfrid Laurier University’s  are suspicious of Yelp reviews, with 88%   customer.
      Lazaridis  School  of  Business  and admitting to being skeptical about reviews   Take the Conversation Offline:
      Economics,  who specializes in  consumer  on Amazon.                        For complex issues or disputes, encourage
      behaviour  and  trends.  “If  you’re  seeing   “On one hand, they’re saying reviews are   the reviewer to contact you directly to
      reoccurring patterns in your reviews, to   very influential but on the other hand,   resolve the issue privately. Provide a
      me that’s free research so you will want to   they’re saying they are very suspicious   contact email or phone number for further
      investigate the validity of that.”    of the content. I think there is a real   assistance.
      He says customer feedback is clearly  shallowness about a lot of this research.   Seek Clarification:
      a good marketing tool and warns that  There’s a lot of assumptions,” says Brad,   If the feedback is unclear or vague, seek
      companies attempting to ‘stack’ their  adding  consumer behaviour is driven   additional information to fully understand
      reviews with positive ones can quickly pay  more by subconscious emotional drivers   the customer's perspective. This  helps
      a price, noting research shows consumers  where people rationalize  their decisions   in  providing  more  targeted  and  effective
      between the ages of 18 to 34 are very savvy  after having already made them.  solutions.
      when it comes to analyzing reviews.   Companies must focus on genuine       Use Feedback to Improve:
      “They can easily filter out the reviews  customer engagement, ethical practices,   Use  feedback  from  reviews  to  identify
      where people are being too whiny or the  and  continuous  improvement    to  areas for improvement in your products,
      ones that are too glowing and clearly  ensure that customer reviews remain a   services,  or customer  experience.  This
      smack  of  being  written  by  a  PR  person,”  constructive force rather than a destructive   demonstrates  your  commitment  to
      says Brad. “They’ve developed this innate  one.                             continuous improvement.
      filter that can diminish the impact of much   “I think consumers sometimes often just   Address Fake or Malicious Reviews:
      of it.” The authenticity of online reviews has   want to vent a little a bit and know they   If you suspect a review is fake or malicious,
      become a growing concern, blurring the   are being heard,” says Brad. “Reviews   report it to the platform for investigation.
      line between genuine recommendations   are worth monitoring but I would be   Provide  evidence  to  support  your  claim
      and promotional tactics, leading to a loss   concerned  if  businesses  think  they  are a   and request its removal if it violates the
      of trust in reviews overall.          definitive thing and will make or break us.”  platform's policies.

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