Page 6 - INSIGHT MAGAZINE_July2024
P. 6


         Democracy is still what

         we want and need

                                                                                     "The Chamber will create
                                                                                     the necessary momentum
                                                                                     to nurture and champion
                                                                                   success by bringing together
                                                                                    the elements – on all sides
                                                                                   of an issue – to successfully

      Are people failing us or is            Remember when Prime Minister Justin     cultivate all that is good,
      democracy failing us?                  Trudeau promised during his first campaign   and can be good, in our
      This is the question that needs answering,   it would be the final ‘first past the post’
                                             election and that reform was coming?
      but sadly the answer seems apparent;                                                   community."
      people are failing us, and democracy has   Well, here we are today with the same

      just enabled the response.             formula and there are two reasons why:  Today we have every “expert” in the world
                                             First, our PM established a committee  on social media who believe they know
      In the 45 years I’ve followed politics, I’ve   to  make  recommendations  which  what’s best when it comes to everything,
      never witnessed such vitriol and outright   provided one that wasn’t his preferred  including the law. Some may say former
      insanity  as  of  late.  I’m  not  directing  this   option. Second, Trudeau won a majority  U.S. president Donald Trump wasn’t guilty
      comment at just those unhinged “keyboard   government which meant he didn’t have to  of any of the 34 counts he was accused of,
      warriors” but our leaders as well. A quick   work with the other parties and could do  let alone all of them, but 12 jurors of his
      glance at what is happening south of the   what he wanted which a reformed electoral  peers  decided otherwise  thanks  to  first-
      border provides the perfect example.    system would have jeopardized.       hand accounts from witnesses these so-
      A democracy depends on most people -   So,  the idea of electoral reform was   called “experts” didn’t have.
      as in 51% - galvanized on a solution. That   scrapped and for the record, I know many  They say Dr. Anthony Fauci, former director
      doesn’t mean every single person needs   people who voted for him just because of  of the National Institute of Allergy and
      to exactly agree on the same path but in   that policy.                      Infectious Diseases, should be tried for
      a healthy democracy the majority must be                                     treason because he “guessed” at what
      satisfied with at least going in the same   We now have a report from the National   might help stop the spread of COVID. You
      direction.                             Security and Intelligence Committee of   can agree, go ahead, but with his lifetime
                                             Parliamentarians outlining that there are a
      The U.S. is a bad example of this for many   “few” (defined as more than two) Canadian   achievements I think I will heed his advice.
      reasons, but in Canada it can play out even   MPs who have worked with, or conspired,  Dr. Fauci said when he established the
      worse. At least in the U.S. there is a chance   to work with foreign governments to  6-foot rule for distancing, it was a guess,
      of having 51% of the people in favour, with   disrupt our elections. Those who know  so many thought he was a liar. I’m sorry
      a two-party system, but in Canada it is   the names are legally bound to not  if you believe the way some of them do,
      virtually impossible. However, that can be   release them, except for one-person,  but that is just being ridiculous. Should we
      a good thing - unless everyone wants the   Prime Minister Trudeau, because he is not  imprison every mom who says if you go
      corner office - because what must happen   bound by the confidentiality agreement.  outside without a winter coat on you will
      is in Canada, we need to work together and   I’m not sure I need to know the names,  catch a cold, when scientifically speaking,
      find that balance of support from MOST of   but what I need to know is that they are  you cannot catch a cold from getting cold?
      the people.                            no longer Parliamentarians and are being
      What we are witnessing now is that     prosecuted. In a democracy that is not a   However, as I said at the beginning of this
                                                                                   column, the problem isn’t with democracy
      democracy is a very fragile thing. People   choice, it is obligatory for this to happen   itself but the people. It is people that
      are  getting  stuck  in  their  own  rut,  so  to   to ensure the premise of democracy is   make democracy frail.
      speak.                                 upheld.

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