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      Generations grew up with                                                           1974-2004 Board of

                                                                                         Directors Presidents/
      F.J. Brown & Son                                                                   Chairs.  Dedicated
                                                                                         and talented member
                                                                                         volunteers representing
                                           worked  for  the Galt  Reporter  upon  graduating
                                           from  Galt  Collegiate  Institute,  eventually   our vibrant business
                                           becoming  an  administrator  with  the  former   community over the
                                           Galt  Board  of  Education.  In  his  civilian  life,  he   years.
                                           continued  to  maintain  his  military  ties  as  a
                                           member  of  the  Royal  Canadian  Legion  Branch
                                           #121 and built closer ties with the community as   Bert Boone: 1974-1975
                                           past  Chairman  of  the  Galt  Board  of  Education,   Bob Pettit: 1976
                                           Galt  Hydro  Commission,  and  the  former  South   Jon Bolt: 1977
                                           Waterloo  Memorial  Hospital  (now  Cambridge   Bert Bond: 1979
                                           Memorial  Hospital)  Board.    He  passed  away  in
                                           the summer of 1991 at the age of 81.          Ted Turner: 1980
                                                              Albert  also  instilled  that   Dale Ross: 1980
                                                              notion  of  commitment     Bob MacDonald: 1982
                                                              to  community  on  his     Murray Garlick: 1973, 1983-1984
                                                              son,  Tom,  who  joined    Doug Ridsdale: 1984-1985
       Ted Brown is the fourth generation to own his
       family’s downtown store.                               the  family  business  in   Janet Chisholm: 1985-1986
                                                              the  1970s  a ter  working
      Community has been front and                            in  the  textile  industry   John Lennox: 1986-1987
      centre at F.J. Brown & Son for                          and  always  maintained    Bob Mitten: 1981, 1987-1989
      more than 130 years.                                    a  passionate  interest  in   Charlie Osborn: 1989-1990
                                            Albert ‘Brownie’ Brown  Galt’s  downtown  core.  In
      The  Main  Street  shop  and  long-time                                            Bob Lawton: 1990-1991
      Cambridge   Chamber   of   Commerce   fact, he was known for being very welcoming to   Art Mosey: 1978, 1991-1992
      member,  which  specializes  in  jewelry   customers and always ready to share a ‘history   Gerald Martiniuk: 1992-1993
      and  gi tware,  has  seen  generations  of   lesson’  with  first-time  patrons  to  F.J.  Brown  &   Terry Kratz: 1993-1994
      customers come through its doors since   Son.  He  was  also  an  avid  Galt  Hornets  hockey
      its founder Capt. Francis John Brown and   fan, known for rarely missing a game, and was an   Hugh Ferguson: 1994
      his son, Francis James, set up shop in 1891   active member of the Rotary Club of Cambridge   Marilyn Wilkinson: 1995-1996
      a ter arriving in Galt.              and Probus Club. He passed away in the fall of   Ben Tucci: 1996-1997
                                           2018 at the age of 82.
      The  younger  Brown  was  an  optician                 The family tradition carried   Paul Beauchesne: 1997
      and  watchmaker,  so  the  store  not  only            on  when  current  owner,   Sam Purdy: 1998-1999
      provided those services to customers, but              Ted  Brown,  joined  his    Rosemary Smith: 1999-2000
      an  array  of  items  imported  from  Japan.           father  Tom  in  the  early   Richard Hall: 2000-2002
      The  store  expanded  more  into  jewelry              1990s   a ter   graduating
      in  the  early  1900s  when  James’  three             from university. In 1994, he   Todd Lyons: 2002-2004
      younger  sisters  –  Minnie,  Emma,  and               completed  the  Graduate    Paul Spencer: 2004-2006
      Bertha  –  became  managers. The  family               Gemologist program at the   Brian Butcher: 2006-2008
      link was only strengthened when James’                 Gemological  Institute  of   Helen Jowett: 2008-2010
      nephew, the late Albert ‘Brownie’ Brown,   Tom Brown   America  in  California  and   Corey McRae: 2010-2012
      joined the team in the late 1940s.   has been a familiar face at the store since.   Samuel (Uel) McFall: 2012-2014
      Like  his  grandfather,  Albert  joined  the                                       Ken Zelazny: 2014-2015
      military and served overseas during the   F.J.  Brown  &  Son  has  continued  to  offer  an
      Second World War with the Highland Light   assortment of jewelry, watches, and accessories,   Stephen Witteveen: 2015-2017
      Infantry attached to the Royal Canadian   as  well  as  gi t  times  including  home  décor,   Nicole Pereira: 2017-2019
      Regiment where he achieved the rank as   clocks,  and  collectibles.  “We’ve  experienced   Darren Drouillard: 2019-2022
      Major  before  leaving  the  service  to  join   many  changes  over  the  years  with  increased   Kristen Danson: 2022-2024
      the family business.                 competition in the region,” says Ted, who credits   Murray Smith: 2024 -
                                           his customers for their support. “Our longevity
      However,  before  the  war,  Albert  had   can  be  attributed  to  our  loyal  customers  over
                                           the years.”

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