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      Galt Country Club continues to score

                                                                                  Construction of the nine-hole course and
                                                                                  its  clubhouse  cost  approximately  $11,500
                                                                                  and was completed in early 1907, allowing
                                                                                  this new club to wrap up its first season
                                                                                  on Oct. 31 of that year. It was an exciting
                                                                                  time  for  club  members  and  local  golf
                                                                                  enthusiasts, which included many female
                                                                                  golfers  who  regularly  played  in  weekly
                                                                                  competitions  plus  ‘fun’  events  such  as
                                                                                  ‘cemetery golf’, ‘bogey golf’ and ‘obstacle
                                                                                  Within a few short years, the club upped
                                                                                  the ante by adding lawn bowling and lawn
                                                                                  tennis  and  began  to  garner  even  more
                                                                                  interest thanks to the growing popularity of
                                                                                  the automobile. Previously, club members
                                                                                  arrived  by  horse-drawn  carriages  and
                                                                                  train, but as the roads began to fill with
                                                                                  automobiles  it  became  apparent  action
                                                                                  was needed and in 1913 a $6,000 upgrade
                                                                                  was  undertaken  to  improve  the  Galt-
                              Galt Country Club in the early 1900s. City of Cambridge Archives Photo
                                                                                  Preston Road (now Coronation Boulevard).
                                             Briethaupt, whose family owned the Berlin   At  this  time,  golfing  was  not  permitted
                                             (Kitchener) and Waterloo Railway, and G.D.   on Sundays and the clubhouse remained
                                             Forbes, President of Forbes Company Ltd.,   closed, but in 1917 in a narrow 59-58 vote,
                                             a major Hespeler textile manufacturer.  members  agreed  to  open  the  clubhouse
                                                                                  on Sundays. However, it wouldn’t be until
                                             However, prior to their involvement much   the  early  1920s  before  golfing  would  be
                                             of  the  property  was  developed  in  the   permitted on the ‘day of rest’.
                                             early  1800s  by  Andrew  Groff,  a  farmer
                                             and  entrepreneur  who  supplemented   The  club  continued  to  gain  attention,
      Mergers are familiar in business.      his income by opening a store, tavern, a   even  hosting  royalty  when  the  Duke  of
      Not only did a merger play a role in the   small distillery, and a grist mill which he   Devonshire  –  Victor  Cavendish  -  and
      formation  of  many  local  businesses  and   powered  by  damming  the  creek  located   his  daughters  visited  in  June  of  1918  as
      the  Cambridge  Chamber  of  Commerce,   near the club’s current parking lot. (Groff   well  as  hosted  an  exhibition  match  in
      but the creation of the Galt Country Club.  Creek, which runs along the first hole, was   1920  featuring  several  champion  golfers
                                                                                  including  Chick  Evans,  the  1920  U.S.
      For  nearly  120  years,  golfers  have   named in his honoured).           Open  Champion,  George  Cumming,  past
       locked to this recreational oasis finding   In  1881,  he  sold  the  property  to  Robert   Canadian  Open  Champion,  and  George
      camaraderie  and  solace,  not  to  mention   Dawson who successfully farmed the land   S.  Lyon,  a  multiple  Canadian  Amateur
      friendly competition, along the banks of   – even developing a new strain of wheat –   Champion.
      the Grand River.                       for several years before moving to Paris,
                                             Ont.,  to  continue  farming  a ter  selling  it   In  1923,  members  voted  to  change  the
      The  club,  a  long-time  member  of  the                                   club’s  name  to  the  Riverview  Golf  and
      Chamber,  was  the  brainchild  of  several   to Andrew Oliver who remained its owner   Country Club. However, this name wouldn’t
      prominent  business  leaders,  many  of   until his death.                  be around for long since Galt and Preston
      whom  paved  the  way  for  economic   In June of 1906, Ontario Lt. Governor Wm.   had both begun to expand rapidly and so
      prosperity  in  what  was  known  then   Mortimer  Clark  granted  a  charter  to  the   did the interest in golf. In fact, the Parks
      as  Waterloo  County.  Among  them  was   Waterloo  County  Golf  and  Country  Club   Commission  in  Galt  had  to  act  when
      M.N.  Todd,  owner  of  Galt  Flower  Mills   Limited  (later  the  Galt  Country  Club)   golf  “enthusiasts”  began  testing  their
      and  President  of  the  Galt,  Preston  and   paving the way for those business leaders   skills  in  local  parks  causing  damage  to
      Hespeler  Street  Railway,  C.R.H.  Warnock,   to purchase an 85-acre parcel of the land   the  turf  with  their  clubs.  Meanwhile,  the
      President  of  the  Galt  Knitting  Company,   from  Oliver’s  estate  for  approximately   nine-hole course began to become more
      Seagram distillery heir E.F. Seagram, W.H.   $5,500.                        congested,  even  though  club  members

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