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      Bennett Chevrolet Cadillac Buick GMC

      a driving force

       or mor
               e than 90 y
      For more than 90 years the
                              s the
      Bennett family and their
      car dealership have been a
      staple of the local business                        City Garage Ltd. located at 11 Dickson St.  Bennett Chevrolet Cadillac Buick GMC Photos
      community and long-time
      supporters of the Cambridge                         By  1960,  the  Bennetts  Fast-forward a few years and the next
                                                                             many  generation  of  Bennetts  –  Liz,  Dave,
      Chamber of Commerce.                                customers  visiting  their  and Chuck – joined the business, while
      The  family,  which  now  has  its  fourth          Preston  operation  were  James  sold  his  share  to  Cameron  in
      generation  ‘behind  the  wheel’  at                from  Galt  and  decided  to  1994 choosing to retire. The dealership
                                                          from  Galt  and  decided  to
      Bennett  Chevrolet  Cadillac  Buick  GMC            close that location – leaving  continued  to  grow,  resulting  in  the
      Ltd on Hespeler Road, first entered the             its  collision  department  creation  of  the  Bennett  Value  Centre
      business in 1926 when patriarch James               open - to concentrate their  opening  across  the  street  from  the
      H.  Bennett  Sr.  (‘Benny’)  began  selling         efforts  on  the  original  Cambridge Centre in 1996 which closed
                                                          shop,  which  not  only  was  a  year  later,  followed  by  a  major
      cars  at  Oscar  Rosebrugh’s  Chevrolet             shop,  which  not  only  was
      which  sat  where  the  Dickson  Street             outgrowing the confines of  renovation  in  2000  resulting  in  a  new
      parking lot is now located. He switched             its  Dickson  Street  lot  but  showroom and service drive-thru bays
      gears  a  year  later  and  began  working          o ten fell victim to seasonal  to coincide with GM’s new “Image 2000”
      for Oscar’s son, Howard, who had opened the    looding from the Grand River. As well,  initiative.
      H.J.  Rosebrugh  Hudson-Essex  dealership  on   the  land  –  Benny  owned  the  building   The  dealership  faced  a  tough  time
      Water Street.                              -  was  owned  by  Waterloo  Trust  and   in 2008  when GM in the U.S. declared
      In 1931, with the backing of several friends and   when  additional  parking  was  needed   bankruptcy   and   its   Canadian
      despite The Great Depression, ‘Benny’ took an   for the employees of the Canada Post   counterpart  began  reducing  it  dealers
      opportunity  to  purchase  the  dealership  and   Office  across  the  street,  the  property   nationwide.  Luckily,  Bennett  was  not
      began  focusing  on  a  General  Motors  Buick/  was  expropriated  by  the  Canadian   among  them  and  was  selected  to  be
      Pontiac  product  line,  rebranding  this  venture   government.              the  sole  GM  dealer  in  Cambridge  and
      as City Garage Ltd. located at 11 Dickson St. The   The  family  looked  northward  and  saw its product line expanded. Another
      company, which also sold Philco radios besides   purchased  a  10-acre  parcel  of  land  renovation  occurred,  increasing  the
      new  and  used  cars,  expanded  to  a  second   on  Hespeler  Road  in  1967,  which  they  dealership  to  46,000-square-feet  and
      location on King Street in Preston in 1935, which   outfitted with a 12,000-square-foot pre-  elevating  Bennetts  into  one  of  the
      came  under  the  management  of  Benny’s  son   engineered  Armco  Steel  building  that  Region’s  premier  dealerships  and
      James (Jim) in the mid-1950s, with his brother,   consisted primarily of glass and steel,  sparked  another  name  change  to
      Cameron,  joining  the  business  in  1959  and   giving  the  dealership  a  more  modern  Bennett  Chevrolet  Cadillac  Buick  GMC
      taking on the role of financial management.   look.  At  the  time,  Hespeler  Road  was  Ltd.
      Around  this  time,  the  family  changed  the   only  two  lanes  but  quickly  began  to   Today,  the  dealership  –  which  now
      company  name  to  Bennett  City  Garage  &  Co.   grow and become populated with more   includes  Dave’s  children  Andrew  and
      when a local customer expressed concern over   businesses.  Not  long  a ter  the  move,   Jill  -  continues  to  evolve  and  prosper
      doing business with a garage dealing with ‘city-  the  family  closed  its  Preston  location   with  new  innovations,  including  the
      owned cars.’                               permanently  to  provide  their  loyal   introduction of electric vehicles.
                                                 customers with a ‘one-stop’ experience.

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