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Congratulations  to

            on 100 years of serving

            the Cambridge business community!

              On behalf of the City of Cambridge, I extend sincere   Your Chamber’s dedication to collaboration, as exemplified
              congratulations to the Cambridge Chamber of Commerce   by initiatives like the Leadercast, Community Awards, and
              on reaching this historic milestone – a century of service,   the Chamber Social Events, underscores its commitment to
              innovation, and unwavering dedication to our community.   creating an inclusive and supportive business environment.
              This remarkable achievement is a testament to the   The Chamber’s active role in economic development,
              Chamber’s enduring commitment to fostering economic   education, and advocacy aligns with the City’s vision for a
              growth, supporting businesses, and enhancing the vitality   prosperous and interconnected community.
              of our city.
                                                                 I extend my deepest appreciation to the Chamber’s
              Looking back into the Chamber’s history, I am struck by   leadership, staff, and members for their tireless efforts
              the profound impact it has had on our community. From   in supporting our local businesses and contributing to
              its early days as the Board of Trade to its evolution into   the overall success of our community. As you celebrate
              the dynamic and influential Chamber it is today, your   this centennial milestone, we look forward to a future of
              organization has been a driving force behind economic   continued collaboration, innovation, and shared prosperity.
              development and community engagement. Notably, it’s   Congratulations once again on 100 years of excellence,
              worth acknowledging the progressive step taken when   and here’s to the Chamber’s continued success in the next
              Betty Faichney, who had been working as the Chamber’s   century.
              secretary since 1972, officially took over from her husband
                                                                 Warm regards,
              as General Manager in 1975, remaining in the position for
              over 20 years; further demonstrating the Chamber’s support
              of strong female leadership even when it was less common
              than today.                                        Mayor Jan Liggett
                                                                 City of Cambridge
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