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seemed almost reluctant to welcome new   The  revamped  course  opened  in  1930
      members,  especially  those  who  had  not   and  featured,  besides  additional  holes,
      attained a ‘proper station in life.’  a  new  bridge  across  Groff  Creek  to
      In 1928, this issue led to a group of golf   provide  easier  access  to  the  clubhouse
      fans to begin planning the creation of an   and a parking area. In June of that year,
      18-hole course to be called the Galt Golf   Dr. James Wardlaw, a club member since
      and Country Club on a 110-acre site south   1907,  scored  the  first  hole-in-one  at  the
      of Galt, near Sheffield.              expanded course at the 7th hole. He was
                                            79 at the time.
      Renowned  golf-course  architect  Stanley
      Thompson  had  been  retained  to  design   As the years passed, the Galt Country Club   Galt Country Club photo
      the course, with nine holes slated to open   underwent  many  additional  changes,   The  Chamber  voiced  its  concern  against
      by August of 1929 and the remaining holes   including  the  introduction  of  curling  in   the  plan,  which  was  soon  shelved  but
      the  following  year.  Its  owners  promised   the mid-1960s and officially changing its   resulted in the construction of Canamera
      to provide golfers the chance to play for   corporate  name  in  1970  to  Galt  Country   Parkway.
      a  minimal  cost  and  by  the  end  of  1928,   Club Limited. In preparation, the club had   In  the  late  1990s,  another  big  change
      approximately  70  members  had  signed   been  using  both  Waterloo  County  and   occurred  when  the  club’s  original
      on.                                   Galt Country Club names interchangeably   clubhouse was demolished to make way
                                            since the 1960s.
      The  ‘threat’  of  this  new  course  resulted                              for the current one which opened in June
      in  serious  discussions  between  the  two   Not long a ter the official name change,   of  2000  as  well  as  redevelopment  of
      clubs  which  agreed  to  amalgamate  in   the club faced a potential crisis in the late   several holes which opened for their first
      1929, and Galt Golf and Country Club’s 70   1970s  when  plans  for  a  proposed  East-  full season of play in 2006.
      members immediately accepted into the   West Arterial Road leading from Franklin   Today, the Galt Country Club continues to
      membership at Riverview.              Boulevard  would  see  it  cut  through  the   be  an  important  part  of  the  community
                                            property,  with  a  proposed  bridge  to  be
      As  well,  shareholders  endorsed  the   constructed  across  the  Grand  River  to   and  strong  supporter  of  the  Cambridge
      purchase of an additional 35 to 37 acres to   connect with George Street North.   Chamber  of  Commerce  playing  host  for
      transform the club into an 18-hole venue,                                   more  than  50  years  to  its  annual  Golf
      with Thompson as its designer.                                              Classic, as well as various events.

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