Page 31 - January2016Spectrum
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All event proceeds will be directed to the Cardiac Program at St. Mary’s Gen- Any Cambridge organization, large or small, private or public, located in
eral Hospital. To register, please contact: Amy Dean, St. Mary’s General Cambridge can be nominated as a training and development leader.
Hospital Foundation (519) 749-6539 or You are welcome to nominate your own organization, a supplier, or a cus-
tomer. We want to be sure that we recognize those Cambridge businesses
HELP THE ANIMALS THROUGH THE UNITED WAY and organizations that are investing in their own workforce and ultimately our
If you participate in your employer's annual United Way campaign through community’s future.
payroll deduction, you may choose to designate the Cambridge & District Award Categories: Four (4) Award Categories have been established in
Humane Society as the recipient of your charitable contribution, even though order to recognize the diversity of organizations within the City of Cambridge.
the CDHS is not a United Way funded agency. Simply ill in Part "C" at the
bottom of the gift form with the CDHS registered charity number 13682 8522 Industrial and Manufacturing: Organizations primarily engaged in industrial
RR0001. uses including the manufacturing, processing, production, fabrication, as-
sembly and sub-assembly and warehousing of products.
Many people wish to make a monetary donation to a charitable organization Service, Hospitality and Retail: Organizations primarily engaged in
operating hotels/motels; restaurants; entertainment or recreational facilities;
in place of table favours. The Cambridge District Humane Society offers transportation and communication companies; inancial services; contractors
personalized (in the colour of your choice with bride and groom's names) and organizations engaged in the retail business to the general public for
tented table cards for your wedding, to be displayed for your guests . They personal and/or household consumption.
also have personalized donation cards available for those wishing to collect
donations. For further information or to order your table/donation cards Public and Not-for-Proit/Social Proit:Includes government, educational
institutions, health care and not-for-proit organizations.
please call (519) 623-7722.
Small Business:The small business category includes any business or
NOMINATIONS ARE NOW OPEN FOR THE 2016 MAYOR’S AWARD FOR organization from any sector or category that has fewer than 50 employees.
Celebrating more than 2 decades of the Mayor's Award for Excellence in council/mayors_award_for_excellence_in_workforce_training_development
Workforce Training & Development. The Cambridge Training & Development and ill in the online form. Once you have submitted the nomination form a
Advisory Group wants to recognize those businesses and organizations in member of the Advisory Group will contact the nominee. Nominations will be
our community demonstrating a clear commitment to the innovative and suc- accepted until February 5, 2016. For more information, you can also contact
cessful development of their own workforce (employees and volunteers). or call (519) 740-4517 ext 4638.

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